Ladies! Recommend some good smutty reading

So my wife is kind of into erotic literature, and Christmas is coming up and…well, you get the point. Trouble is, I’m not much into the reading porn thing, and consequently don’t know what’s good and what’s not. So throw your favorite authors, stories, collections, whatever out there.

And no, I’m not JUST getting her erotica for Christmas. There’ll be other gifts too.

Ah-hem. Blatant self-promotion, here: Naughty or Nice, edited by Alison Tyler. Christmas erotica! Look for “Melting” by Savannah Stephens Smith. :slight_smile:

Go into the Romance section of your local bookstore. Look for the “Brava” label on the spine. This is an imprint that exists solely to print romance novels with lots of very explicit sex. :slight_smile: Their anthology series “I [heart] Bad Boys” was very popular, and for novel-length smut I like author Lori Foster.

Within the actual “erotica” section, I really liked this collection: Erotic Travel Tales. A good balance been being actually erotic and actually a story.

Another erotica publisher is Ellora’s Cave. I believe they were the first major erotica e-publisher, but they branched out into print some time ago.

Mitzi Szereto, the editor of the erotic tales anthology is well-respected in the smut-writing community. But I really have to give props to Alison Tyler , who’s edited a lot of great collections of erotica, with contributions from some smoking hot women writers of smut. Alison’s collections have a really nice variety of stories. They’re books I love, not only because occasionally she chooses a story of mine, but because they’re fun to read and hot as heck, too.

I’ve enjoyed the “Best Women’s Erotica” selections a lot, too. More than “Best American Erotica”.

Not a lady, but may I make bold to recommend Susan Johnson’s romance novels – some historical, some contemporary, but always carnally explicit. (Of course when all is said they’re not porn but romance novels, with the predictable elements of such: The story is really about one man and one woman, all others being mere supporting characters; it is clear who the lovers are from the first chapter; and they are destined to overcome all obstacles and marry at the end.)

Susan Johnson is also a Brava author :slight_smile:

How about some Ovid? The Ars Amatoria? In translation, of course.