Lady Agents of SHIELD: Most shaggable?

For some people that would be a feature, not a bug.

May - gorgeous and age appropriate (she’s 52!)

No love for Lucy Lawless? Anyway, I choose Daisy.

Hell yeah. I love me some amazons.

Hell if we’re going to make sanity a requirement we got a problem :stuck_out_tongue:

If by shagging you mean not stick around the next morning, Daisy.

Jemma. The actress and the character over all the others.

Can I post a link to Chloe Bennett’s Chinese pop music vid to sway the voting (one way or another)? I think I can.

That moved me even further away from voting for Daisy (if I were to vote).

Hey “Let’s Go to the Mall” wasn’t a career-ender for Maria Hill. Daisy gets a pass from me.

Until they made it clear that her mother was Chinese, I didn’t perceive anything but generic white girl. She looks more Chinese in the video, possibly due to a difference in makeup, and being surrounded by Chinese and singing in Chinese. But I still don’t buy her as the hacker chick. It’s a classic trope, and you really need to nerd the girl up at least a little to fit into it. I realize that everybody in the show is there because they’re h-h-hot, but come on. At least put glasses on her before you declare her a hacker. She looks like a theater major. Now, when she starts wearing the leather and sticking her hands out to projecting CGI with her mind, I had no trouble buying her as a super. That shtick she had down.

Well, I can vote for the one I like… and she’d probably be so upset that she’d jump off of a building.

Or… I could vote for one I don’t like, and if she jumps off of building, there’d be more air-time for the one I do like. Hmmm…

Wait…! Was that a small thud I heard in the distance?
Holy Shit, this is Working…! How many times can i vote again…?

You’d hate my office, we’re all nerds pretty much by definition* but most of the younger girls are on a wide variation of “hot” where the nerdiest piece of apparel on most of them is the occasional T-shirt, very few glasses in sight. I share a room with about twenty people and the only one who’s usually got glasses on is a male in his 40s. I’ve heard guys say “yeah, the pretty blonde in the big room, you know?” “which pretty blonde? There’s three of them there!” (the tall one, the petite one and the one who looks like she doesn’t follow fashion, it follows her).

I actually like that there wasn’t any Librarian Moments.

  • even the HR women came to work for an IT company because they specifically wanted to work in an IT company. I think we may have one person who fell into the job (the only man in HR), everybody else was interested in the field.

Given that her character started off as the mysterious orphan that Coulson tasks May with looking after, I want to believe the casting thought process went like this:

  1. Get someone who could plausibly be May’s abandoned daughter.
  2. Get someone who could plausibly be Coulson’s abandoned daughter.
  3. Get someone who looks kind of like Aubrey Plaza, because Aubrey Plaza is hot.

Oh, no. I understand that real life is a very different genre, with its own tropes and conventions, albeit unique in that being real lends it a tremendous credibility. But on TV you really need your hacker chick to sport a mohawk or something.

Bobbi Morse is most relevant to my interests; I guess I’ll have to overlook the blonde thing.

I feel like an asshole for even bring it up, but I was bothered by how generically pretty Daisy was. When Mockingbird came on, though, with the mole right between her eyes, she immediately seemed more charming just because of that.

And that’s just too distracting for me. That and the fact that she would tower over me.

I’m sorry, maybe I’m not as … I don’t know, limited… in my view of what hackers can be. Or maybe I developed a completely different mental imageof “lady hacker” …

No, you don’t. Because it leads to people meeting a team of actual, real IT people and spouting “you don’t look like programmers!”

I’d rather have TV IT people who look at least somewhat like IT people.