Lamest Star Trek Character?

Luwuxana Troi: Not lame. Unnecessary use of the producer’s wife, yes. Inexplicably used as romantic foil for Picard, yes. Lame? No. She was deliberately designed as a pest.

Wesley Crusher: Not lame. Lame things were done with his character, mostly because he was so rarely used in episodes where he wasn’t at center stage. But the same thing could be said of many of O’Brien’s limited TNG appearances; the only time they bring any actor in is because he has a purpose. However, a special Lameness Achievement award goes to Wesley’s buddy The Traveler.

Worf: Not lame. If anything is lame about Worf it is the way he was used by the writers as a make-it-up-as-you-go exploration of Klingon culture, most of which ended up being contradictory or just plain buh-whaa?

Deanna Troi: Started out lame, and was redeemed. Deanna suffered from guest-star syndrome in that most of the shows featuring her in a large role were pretty well built (okay, wrong word) … uh, okay, those shows were stacked in her… well, they were designed to show off her… those shows were meant to highlight her as a character. This isn’t a sign that the character is lame, just that the character didn’t have as much integral purpose to the crew as originally planned. Later episodes with Troi were actually pretty decent once she was more of a well-rounded… uh, once her character was firmer and… yeah, just… uh, later.

Pavel Chekov: Not lame. Useless to the plot of most of the movies unless it was as a glorified red-shirt. Uh-oh, Chekov is injured again. What is it this time? This is an extension of Deanna Troi’s problem; he wasn’t as useful as everybody originally planned so he was the one who got hurt.

… and the 2005 Lamest Star Trek Character award goes to…
LORE, the character who was so amazingly lame that he eclipses all others. The character concept is a bad joke.

Writer 1: “Okay, he’s just like Data, see… just like Data. They like… look the same, and everything. It’s like they’re identical! Except, and here’s the tricky bit… except that… Lore… is EVIL! Get it? It’s like… Data… but evil! See? An evil twin!”
Writer 2: “Genius!”

Every show I saw with Lore revolved around him being identical to Data in some stupid way. Oh dear, he arrived at Dr Soong’s planet because he’s identical to Data. Oh no, we can’t tell them apart, because he’s identical to Data. Oh my goodness, Lore has stolen Data’s new software because they’re identical. And did I mention Lore is evil?

Lore never went anywhere as a character. He was created as, and remained (from what I saw) a bad joke. He was given nothing meaningful to do that didn’t directly involve Data somehow. It would’ve been interesting to see Lore involved in an episode where he had to cooperate with the Enterprise, or where his presence was incidental to the fact that he and Data are… did I mention he’s evil? … identical.

Johnny, you really gotta work on those problems of yours. :wink:

O, lord, I had forgotten Lore.



Wasn’t there an episode where Alexander’s mom got killed by a Klingon and Worf took the day off on FMLA, went over to the Klingon ship(where he was outside of Federation law), killed the Klingon bad guy(s) and came back to the Enterprise within a few hours?

I think they should have spent more time exploring Worf’s cold-blooded psychopath side.

No lame love for Chakotay? “Acoo-che-moya” ::cringe::

I’m surprised that Beverly Crusher isn’t getting more votes. I cringed almost every time that character had to deliver a line. Pretty woman, but a horrible actor, and her lines were crap.

Remember this scene? Data asks Dr. Crusher what the definition of “life” is. She says something TOTALLY LAME like, “Well, it grows, and can reproduce.” Data goes, “Crystals grow, and fire can reproduce. Are they alive?” A misty expression crosses over Crusher’s face, as if she’s trying to act like, gee whiz, she’d never thought of that before. Hmmm.

And I’m in my living room yelling, “You people are trained to have contact with alien organisms! You’re both supposedly scientists! Are you telling me you’ve NEVER PONDERED THIS QUESTION BEFORE???” Awk! Makes me mad just to think about it.

Troi was a lame character, but I always thought that the actress had a good time with her. (I love the ep in which she de-evolves into some sort of newt-creature and retires to a bathtub so that she could respirate through her slime-covered skin.) Crusher was just a sucking hole of lameness.

And she spawned Wesley, too.

Point taken. I too had forgotten Lore, due to his near perfect lameness I had blotted him from my memory. Until now.

And that, sir, is why you are smarter than most TNG writers. I tip my nerd hat to you.

Now I’m imagining the “Brilliant!” Guiness guys saying this.

Not a bad singing voice, though.

I disagree. Data was da man. He and Picard were the two least lame characters on that series.

Okay, so I have a crush on Brent Spiner. Sue me.

Riker, no question. What did he bring to any episode whatsoever? What dimension did he add? Yes, I concede that Jonathan Frakes’ inability to act his way out of even a speeding ticket is part of the problem, but really.

Neelix, Wesley, and other choices here did at least arouse some emotional connection with viewers, even if it was mostly along the lines of “You suck! Get off my screen!”. Riker? Meh. Nobody ever gave half a damn either way about him. *That * is *true * lameness.

Whew! I’m not the only one, then!

Another good point, especially before he grew the beard. Looked like my gf could take him.

Not to worry, you’re far from alone. Although I do prefer him without yellow eyes.

Lamest Trek character? I can’t speak to Enterprise because I lasted about three episodes and gave up in disgust. And I’m not a Wesley hater, although I do hate what the writers did with him. My vote goes to Lore, too – utterly pointless, and as far as I can tell he was written for nothing more than pure cheese.

I can’t believe that I am the only one that has mentioned Lt. Barkley I mean his whole character was based around how lame he was.

Oh, I agree, Barclay is über-mega-boss-lame, but he’s supposed to be, as you yourself have said.

Truly roblematic lameness sets in when the character is supposed to be heroic somehow and yet comes across is a complete dud. Riker and Worf often display this quality; so often, in fact, that it gets incredibly irritating. “Number One” and “nincompoop” shouldn’t be synonymous. Yet Riker did so much stupid shit throughout his career it’s astonishing he wasn’t court-marshalled and tossed in the brig on a number of occasions. The problem obviously lies in the fact that the TNG writers couldn’t make other characters so great that they’d steal Picard’s thunder, yet they could barely manage to make Picard consistently heroic. The result is the rest of the cast being consistently underwhelming, and, with some characters, that mediocrity borders on rank incompetence far too often for them to be consistently worth a shit.

Hence the acute severity of the Wesley Effect: He’s supposed to be an astonishing wunderkind, but instead, most of the time he’s an irritating little bitch. The writers took the teen genius idea and, after cutting his poor little balls off, amalgamated him with a bellyaching Cub Scout. You want Worf to reach down, rediscover his own sack, and finally get sufficiently fed up with the little castrato to give him the back of a spikey gauntlet.

Ah, you youth. You really have no concept of lame.

Yeoman Janice Rand. The Enterprise employs a woman whose entire raison d’etre is to melt into the Captain’s arms whenever something awful is about to happen. During the entirety of the Original Series, she is never given anything useful to do. On a ship that, generally speaking, didn’t treat the women members of the crew as female playthings, she stood out as being nothing more than eye-candy and a male plaything.

Wesley Crusher was annoying, because he always got the ship out of trouble, and was so damn syrupy sweet. But he wasn’t nearly so lame as a woman who had no business on a functioning warship. :dubious:

And recognizing its lameness, once Grace Lee Whitney left the show the writers ditched the idea of a regular full-time Captain’s Yeobabe.

Oh, I dunno about that. Riker has long inspired massive loathing on my part. I especially wished him death whenever it was implied that he was a real ladykiller.

As has been stated before, Barkley was lame, and was supposed to be lame. He was the regular fallible human sucked into the vortex of the Federation’s bland eptitude and unbelievably smug functional family ness. Its like high school if everyone got along and was on the honour roll/football team/cheerleading squad/grad committee. When Barkley became truly lame was when he stopped being “lame” and became somewhat acceptable.

…and yet they are always talking about how the Enterprise is the flagship of the Federation and how hard it is to get stationed on it. I would think that the ability to interact well with others would be a top priority.

Probably a paperwork error.
Personally, I always despised Weyoun. I kept waiting for someone to put a laser bolt between those big ol’ eyes of his.