Lamest Star Trek Character?

That’s great! Spork never looked so good.

Also lame: Mrxpth, the time-travelling cat. I mean, if you’re going to have a cat that travels through time, the least you could do is find something more interesting for it to do than to simply seek out various historical litter boxes.

If you’re going to bring up Troi’s mom. Q should get a nomination for lameness, too. The whole Q-continuum, in fact. LAME.

I didn’t think that Q or his continuum were lame in TNG. But Voyager made both of them lamer than I could possibly have imagined.

I [del]second[/del] [del]third [/del] [del]fourth[/del] agree with that.

I thouht Q was lame because, for his immortalness and omiscient superpowerness, he was a real low-watt bulb. Oh, yeah, genius tactic: let’s hold Picard accountable for all crimes of humanity. Brilliant.

Oh, wait, no … LAME.


Well, yes, but the Q were, like the Borg, a case of lame-ification by the writers as the successive series progressed, driven by a need to show the humans getting the better of them. In TNG first season, Q had more personality in his little finger than the rest of the cast put together (Which I recognize is sort of damning with faint praise).

B4. Lamest name ever.

Well, with the exception if Picard.

However, that was due to De Lancie’s acting, not because the character was well-written. It wasn’t.

It should be a rule for Sci-Fi writers that they can no longer create virtually omnipotent beings. It should be obvious: Humans lack god-like powers and intellect. Trying to create a convincing characterization of a god isn’t possible. An engaging, personable, entertaininly flawed god-like being is ludicrous. Q is just an idiotic idea from conception. He’s not so much lame as oxymoronic.

Aww…come on, was he really that much worse than Shatner? I see Bones as a “character actor” sort of character, and as such he was well played. One of the things that made TOS so effective was the contrast between him and Spock.

I have to agree. I always thought that DeForest Kelley was rather underrated.

Well, yes (and point taken earlier on that DeLancie provided Q’s charisma – and even that was eventually overwhelmed by what the writers did with the character), godlike beings by themselves are an abused device.

I’m with Loopy. I vote Neelix. I vote him twice. Fifty times. A thousand billion trillion times.

Seriously, Mr. Vulcan. I didn’t know she was only three years old.
Hey, she looks four…

I’m plotzing over this post. :slight_smile: Funniest post ever?

Irritating doesn’t make you lame.

Wesley is lame. Lwaxana is irritating, but she’s supposed to be. I don’t get the hatred for Lwaxana; she was terrific, because she drove Deanna Troi nuts. Troi was always smarmy and preachy and arrogant, but when her Mom showed up it sent her over the edge. Anyone who bugs Deanna Troi that much is, as far as I’m concerned, a hero. She also drove Worf (“Mr. Woof”) crazy, which was also highly entertaining.

Worf was not lame. Klingons were the best things that show had going for it. Worf was ineffective in his job mainly because he worked for pussies; their pussiness infected him. Put him amongst Klingons and he was cool again. Klingons are always cool. They’re ridiculous, but very cool. You can improve any show with more Klingons.

You know that sitcom “King of Queens”? That show really sucks. But if it had some Klingons, it would be great.

To defend a few popular choices…

Wesley as a character was not lame. He was just a bright kid and son of the Chief Medical Officer. He was horribly written in a number of first-season episodes, and his role as Gene-Roddenberry-wish-fulfillment-child-wunderkind got on your nerves fast. But that was a problem IMO of the writers, not the character. Though admittedly the rainbow “interim” uniform didn’t help.

Lwuxana Troi gets a pass simply because she was amusing comic relief. Hell, she gets a pass for making possible the hilarious novel, Q-In-Law. If you haven’t read it, you’re missing out on some serious TNG LOL. :smiley:

And since I haven’t experienced the potential lamitutde known as Neelix, I’ll toss my “lamest character” vote for Lt. Barclay. Not only was he a stereotypical introspective nerd, he was an ineffective stereotypical introspective nerd. It’s like casting a character as an evil corporate tyrant whose business ventures keep failing – what’s the point?

I have to agree that Worf was often hamstrung by Federation Code, and would have opened big fat can o’ Kingon whoopass more often without all the ethical impediments. But still, whether it’s the character’s fault or not, lame is lame. And there were a number of occasions when pussy rules really couldn’t be used as an excuse. Worf often had the will and the prerogative, but still got his tuckus handed to him by some panty-waisted alien that even Riker could have taken. He’d bare his teeth, make some berserkerish noises, wade in, and get his ass thumped in like two seconds. I think half the reason the Klingons let Worf join the crew of a Federation vessel is because he would have been eaten alive on a Bird of Prey.

Now that I think of it, why didn’t they just sick Data on everyone? Data could pick Borg up and toss them across the room if he felt like it. Hell, I would have sent him down with every landing party, had him beat any and all hostiles senseless from the get-go, and then let the redshirts come out from behind the rock.

are you kidding me? Lwuxana was delightful! but I will agree that Deanna had suffered major lameness - especially in the first two seasons. But she was some nice eye candy (and I’m a straight female)
Lwuxana was in several episodes - at least 6 that I can think of - and yes, she was written to be annoying, a Mona-esque comic relief for the “drama” series - and because Majel wanted to do more than just be the computer’s voice. After all, if the boss’ wife can’t get what she wants…
Classic Trek lameness? - my vote goes to the scripts. all but 3 of them. lame but loveable.
DS9? Jake & his best buddy Quark’s nephew. I liked Kira Narrisse
Voyager - Cpt Janeway - I mean c’mon. Female strength notwithstanding - that Hairdo! for the first few seasons - No military person would ever where their hair that long
Enterprise - the only things I liked about that were Flox - a character with a lot of unexplored depth, Archer (I have a MAJOR thing for Scott Bakula), and Porthos, the cutest beagle in he universe
FWIW - Galaxy Quest was the best Star Trek movie ever!

Lamest *Star Trek * character ever?

It’s gotta be Ensign Expendable

…all 3,000 of them and their doom-inducing red shirts.