Lamp Socket Types

Anyone know of a web site that describes the various lamp socket types, bayonet, wedge, etc.?

My Google-Fu is weak today.

I’m looking for the name of a lamp used in '83 Wurlitzer jukeboxes. These lamps look like fuses with pointy ends.

And why would one put lamps in series with an amplifier’s output?

I don’t know the specific title but I had dozens of these from a Wurlitzer-type organ I dismantled. They were also popular as interior lighting in cars, there were quite a few in my Volvo 265.

In series with the amp output - they would vary in brightness depending on the output voltage. Wouldn’t enhance the audio by very much I presume?

They’re not for display, being inside the cabinet.

Can’t imagine then - low value resistors perhaps but hardly a conventional solution.
Could be to help the Gremlins find their way around the dark interior :slight_smile: Click on product catalogs, automotive. Click on search, enter 212-2. This is a bulb of the type you are describing. You can then click on the figure # to see it.

If that sylvania link Omegaman provided doesn’t have what you need try Bulb Direct. I’ve gotten all kinds of strange old bulbs from them before.

Lamp sockets and other info in the ARRL book.