For the purposes of this thread, a few things should be taken as givens:
[li]The natural state of all human beings is that of Original Sin.[/li][li]Sinners all go to Hell when they die. No theological making-nice with Limbo, Purgatory, or exceptions for tender ages.[/li][li]Throughout history, many, many, many babies have died before being baptized and/or cleansed of their sinful state. Because of givens above, all of them were sent straight to Hell.[/li][/ul]
This is not intended to be a theological debate. There are no moral judgments against anyone who believes that this is the truth in how the world works, or who does not, or any mixture of them. They shall be taken as givens for the sake of the more important discussion, which is this:
You hold a position of some authority in Hell. You’re not the Adversary itself, you don’t rule the place, but have an important job there that goes unsung:
You’re in charge of landscaping.
Hell is a pretty barren place. The only landscaping materials available other than rock, coals, fire and such are the souls of the damned.
Just because all you fallen angels rebelled against the Highest Throne doesn’t mean you want to live in an unaesthetic place. So this is a challenge, but you’re confident you’re up to it. To narrow down the test, I’m interested in what you’re going to do with all the infant souls for landscaping purposes.
I’ve more of an engineering mindset than an artist’s, so my first thought was to stuff them into the walls of Pandemonium as insulation. Soundproofing wouldn’t work out too well, you might say, all those millions of tortured infants screaming and all, but that’s where the engineering comes in!
The shaping of the slabs of hellrock forming the palace walls would need to be shaped just so, to focus and bounce the echoes of all that noise correctly. Done properly, the soundwaves will cancel each other out into a low whisper; with enough building and packing tweaks, the effect could be similar to windchimes.
That’s a much more utilitarian than artistic approach, I readily admit. I know that many of you are of more artistic talent than I, so how would you approach this problem?