Technology is wonderful. Let’s talk about LASIK. I’ve noticed that many people on these boards have raved about the results from their surgeries. To them, I say God bless and all the best. I hope your results last a life-time. But, I have to rant about some shit I read on web-sites that make this surgery seem like cancer or AIDS has been eradicated. For one thing, is there an opthalmologist out there who does anything but LASIK? What if some old guy needs cataracts removed or a child needs lazy eye corrected? Are they left to the wind? Every page in the newspaper is filled with LASIK doctors hocking their trade, and while I’m sure two or three or four of them are legitimate, caring doctors, most are just in it for the bucks. Clues that shout to me are little coupons that say things like ONLY 250 an eye, or such. I mean, is this a major operation or a fast-food promotion? (One ad here in NYC a while ago promoted the services of the “#1 best doctor” in this field - as oppossed to the #2 best?).
But let me tell you what really kills me: It’s that letter to the doctor from a satisfied customer, the one who CRIED when he or she woke up and no longer needed to put on glasses to see the clock. That is sick! You may not think so, but I do. Are we talking about a formerly armless person who can now hug his loved ones? Are we talking about a blind person who now can see shapes and do some things he/she couldn’t formerly? Is this someone who had vicious hallucinations or was severely depressed but now can live with medication and proper treatment? No! I remember Stevie Wonder said that if some operation can help him see, he can’t wait to see his children. Now THIS is someone who should be expected to cry. Does this jerk know any perspective? Goddamnit, there are glasses and contacts that we can put on our faces and to help us see and this schmuck decides to cry because he/she doesn’t need glasses anymore. There are countries on this planet that don’t have the resources we do and so a myope there is truly disabled, unable to get proper corrective lenses. But this nitwit is all fucked because of an inability to see the clock in the morning.
And I don’t need myopes putting me down, telling me how I don’t know how it is to be nearsighted. I’m -15 with astigmatism, the works (and I know there are those even worse than me) and have glasses that weigh a ton and I thank God every day that I can see, even though my peripheral vision sucks. I can see; I can play chess and read books with my eyes instead of my fingers (which means that I have a wider range of books to choose from, unlike those who need LARGE PRINT books or Braille). I can read these and other web-sites and compose my own posts. I couldn’t do that were I blind.
Maybe some day I will try LASIK, but I’ll never be so spoiled as to treat it like they found a cure for a killer disease.
Listen, I’m not putting down the many, many who rave about something they truly should rave about. I’m pissed about those who have no perspective, and the doctors for publishing their crappy letters, furthering this.