Last convicted adulterer?

How many states in the union still have laws criminalizing adultery on the books? When/who was the last person actually convicted of adultery*?

*Excluding members of the Armed Forces.

We had someone convicted of adultery in Virginia (on a guilty plea) just this year.

Just wondering why this disclaimer was necessary. Are you telling me that one can be court martialed in the US Armed Forces for adultery? (Actually, didn’t that happen in a fairly well publicized case a few years back with a Muslim chaplain?)

The military has some fraternization rules that can be taken rather strictly when they want to. They really don’t like it when people at different ranks are sleeping with each other (or even less than that) and it can be very bad if either of them or married. They are more likely than the civilian world to pursue this type of thing.

Yes, I have seen it many times. It is a chargable offense under the UCMJ (Uniformed Code of Military Justice). The reason I have always been given is it is to keep unit morale high (men having sex with other guys wives while deployed, etc.), but I have seen it prosecuted in many other situations. Example: A guy (active-duty enlisted) was separated from his wife for a year and a half and they were finally pending divorce. The wife was dating/having sex with another guy (they were pending divorce, who cares), and the guy was seeing someone else. He had sex with her, something happened, BAM, he gets charged with adultery.

However, it is usually not the only charge. It tends to be added on to other charges.

By the way, oral sex (sodomy) is chargable also in the US armed forces.

True dat.

Very good cite. I forgot to mention the exact article in the UCMJ, which is Article 134, referred to by the military by many different names. It is best known as the ‘Catch-All’. Basically anything that goes against good order and discipline in the military could be found in this Article.
From the site:

Numbers 2 and 3 are the easy parts. Someone is married or not married. Everything is prejudice to good order and discipline. But the link you provided does say:

I don’t believe this at all. Just my opinion.

Proof is not so easy. However, is someone is willing to testify that they had sex, that would probably (from what I have seen) constitute proof.

Just had a US Army Sergeant convicted and jailed by a civilian court in South Korea for “obtaining sex under the promise of marriage.” I don’t recall if he was also convicted of adultery. My train’s leaving in a few minutes so I can’t search for the report. Will do so tonight.

Looks like adultery to me.

However, if you read it, it seems he was prosecuted under South Korean law, not the UCMJ.

James Yee got himself convicted for adultery in 2004, after the espionage charges were dropped.
He later got the adultery charge overturned on appeal.

But he was in the military, and I am sure he was not the last person in the military to be convicted of adultery.

Getting back to the OP and not a discussion of what the OP specifically excluded, would you please supply some details on this?

Here is one from 2003 in Virginia

Here is the 2004 Appeal

Not sure if this is what was mentioned with the Virginia case.

That’s exactly what I said. Thanks for the link!

Florida Statute 798.01 is still on the books; adultery in Florida is a second-degree misdemeanour.

The last conviction for a violation of this year was just last month. It should be noted that the conviction came as a result of a plea bargain; the original charge was bigamy, which is a third-degree felony.

It’s too bad he backed down; it would have been fascinating to see how the appeal turned out.

But I can’t say I blame him for wanting to have the whole situation over and done with.

Wisconsin statutes:

944.16 Adultery. Whoever does either of the following is guilty of a Class I felony:
(1) A married person who has sexual intercourse with a person not the married person’s spouse; or
(2) A person who has sexual intercourse with a person who is married to another.