Latest Survey shows you should be married by now lady dopers. Get cracking!

Survey sheds light on divorce odds

The other 19% have such grace and presence that mere men are often overcome. As they age, these mere men do come to realize that we (the extraordinary 19%) are mortal (though our charms will be sung throughout the ages and our beauty praised for an infinity), and they will stir up their courage and call upon us. Those that dare shall experience joys beyond the imagination, the intelligence, humor, loveliness and je ne sais quoi of a mature, fabulous lady in all her magnificant glory!!
Any mere men up for the chase? I’m waiting.

And I’m worth it.

And we’re not even going to talk about sexiness. Nope, you just couldn’t take it. Believe me.

Eh, I’ve still got a little over a year. No worries, no rush.

So, astro, is that a proposal? If so, what does astro girl have to say about that? :wink:


Note to self: That’s why d & r is lower case.


Eh, someone’s gotta help make up that 19%, else it wouldn’t be there. I look on it as my mission in life. So there.

And all what Kallessa said.

Hey. I’ve done my part and someone else’s!
Twice married and twice divorced and happy about it.

astro, is that a proposal?

Hey,astro, I still got a decade to go. Whatcha say 'bout that?

Yea right, been there and done it three times, and could have done it more but I’m tired of buying new appliances.

I’d like a wife that doesn’t mind me having other wives. And a pretend wedding so the (inevitable) divorce isn’t as complicated.

Any takers?

Huh, well, I was smack dab in the middle of my divorce when I turned 30, so, guess I’m not unique. Ah well.


How does the 19% unmarried count break down?

A guess
5% Radical Feminists: Who refuse to mate in captivity
3% Lesbians: Who hate the cold weather and refuse to move to Vermont
1% Old Maids: Who are too busy taking care of their aged, overbearing mothers
.90% Drug Addicts and Prosititutes: Who are just too much of a mess to find Mr. Right
.10% Violent Felons Doing Time: Who’ve been imprisoned since the courting age and can’t slip their ring finger under the 2-way glass.
9% Financially Independent, Well-Adjusted Heterosexuals: Who’ve come to the conclusion they neither want childen or a life time commitment.

I’m 30, never been married (yuck!). Never will be. Oh, wait. Looking at the OP, it says 81% of “white” women. I’m more mocha/latte colored. So I guess I don’t fit the statistic anyway.

(Man, I need a cup of coffee…)

I believe you’re confusing astro with Astroboy14! Or maybe not. AB is always talking about AG, tho.
OooH! Ladies! I’m available still!

I’m 37, never been married. I was engaged when I was in my twenties - thenk goodness I never went through with it. I wouldn’t mind marrying the guy I’m with now (going on ten years) but why? I’m not planning on having kids, and I really dislike the wedding ceremony idea. I don’t need a piece of paper to know he is committed to me. And after the hassle and heartache I went through when I broke off my engagement (we had bought a house together, lots of stuff needed to be split up) I cringe to think of what it would have been like if we had to go through a divorce. Luckily I got custody of the dog and cats.

Awright, Res is single and taking applications. Form a line here, please. :::d&r:::

The cynical, bitter part of me is noticing that the study on marriage was done by the Center for Disease Control.

[sup]But, as I’m not white - I don’t fit into the statistics listed in the article… perhaps I’m less abnormal than I thought. Probably not.[/sup]

You know, if it weren’t for your appalling taste in cities, Res . . .

:d & r: