Latin Translation - Mentis Fugit

It’s the title of a comic strip, the author is always abusing fifty cent words for comedic and poetic purposes, but here’s he’s lost me.
Mentis Fugit?
Something about a mind… Or a martian invasion.

Literally “Of the mind flees”. I don’t think that’s quite what he was going for. He probably wanted “Mens fugit”, which would be “The mind flees”.

Mind flees.
I think. You probably want another opinion.
edit - beaten by a better answer

It’s a riff off the phrase tempus fugit–literally, time flees.

He probably means mens fugit (“the mind flees”). Mentis is in the genitive case and doesn’t really make sense.

Which, as I see, is what **ultrafilter ** has already said.

OK, Fugit-Fugitive. Maybe I shoulda seen that.


Like when you drink the frozen insect slurpee too fast.

AHHH, Brain Fleas!!!
He’s saying we’ll give headaches and disease to any alien race that tries to drink our brains.

Now it makes sense.

Ahh, right. I knew I had run agross ‘fugit’ before, but couldn’t recall the phrase or the context. I was running through military mottos, coming up empty.