Laugh at my friend's idiocy...

So, a friend of mine just got a new credit card after his old one expired. Sick of the usual bland appearance of these things, he had asked for his to be printed with a special background when he called in the renewal.

So, a few days ago the card arrived in the mail, and my friend was happy to see that the background of the card was a picture of the earth from space. Eager to show his cool new card to his friends at another online forum, he took a picture of it sitting on his desk. Being concerned about his privacy, though, he carefully edited the photo to blur out his name and the “Member Since” date. Satisfied that his anonymity was secure, he fired up IE and posted the photo.

A few minutes later, a thought struck him. HE HAD FORGOTTEN TO BLUR OUT THE CARD NUMBER AND EXPIRATION DATE!

He is now the proud owner of yet another bland credit card, since the company (while very understanding of the situation) told him it would take up to two months to get a replacement of the custom-printed one with his new account number.

That is a great idea to put your credit card number on the internet, because we all know that internet users are the most honorable and ethical people in the world. :smack:


All I can do is: :smack: :smack: :smack: :smack: And laugh. Teeheeheeheeheeheehee

Hee hee hee! Hah hah hah! That’s so funny! What a moron! 2431856791910558 07/04! Dumb monkey-brain numbwit! Hoo Hoo! That’s the dumbest thing I ever heard of! BWAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!

Please disregard this section of my previous post. I don’t know how that got in there.

Don’t the name and address need to match the number and expiration date for the card to work?

Lmao! :d

A lot of sites don’t check, apparently.

I know I’ve made typos in my name and address when ordering stuff online, not noticed, and still had my card accepted.

Okay, I admit I almost did something similar. I posted a picture of my cat on The cat was on my desk, and my creditcard was next to him. I noticed it right before I hit submit.

Well, I feel better about myself. Thank you.

Mister V you have, of course, bestowed idiot of the year honors upon him, right? :smiley: