I’m trying to get on to Lavasoft.com to download AdAware updates. When I go to the site, it appears for about 5 seconds and then becomes blank. My AdAware SE also says my settings are 55 days old, but then can’t connect to the site to download the updates.
Is anyone else having this problem?
Could someone post a link here to one of the sites that Lavasoft directs you to to download updates, please. I, obviously, can’t get to them from the Lavasoft site.
Rats. I can’t get either of those links to open. I’ve run a virus scan, SpyBot and the version of AdAware that I do have. Time to call IT!
(In related news, I can’t get Yahoo to allow me to reply to or forward email, and everywhere the word “work” appears on any website, it’s hotlinked. To some evil site, I’m sure!)
I have the same problem. I get a message that the file LavaSoft is attempting to download is corrupted and it stalls after 5 seconds with no further downloading, but says “Finish.” When I first click on it, I get a message that says “Error while loading LavaSoft.”
One option is to delete your hosts file – some spyware uses this to automatically redirect from an antispyware site.
Search for the file “hosts” (it has no extension). Unless you’re using it for something, delete it (or move it to another folder). Then try to get to lavasoft.