LED Belt Buckle = Comedy Gold

I was scanning through froogle.com this afternoon looking for gaudy belt buckles when I ran across this gem.

Six programmable message slots. 256 chars per slot. Scrolling above your crotch all day long.
What would yours say?

Rock on!

both as a statement about the buckle, and what I would have it say

Oh yea I would probably also put “Attitudes are contagious, mine might kill you” on, just for kicks.
Now I want one

Our national debt: (then whatever it happens to be at that moment.)

Caution: Long, wide load.

“Made you look!”

This scrolling buckle forces you to look at my crotch.

The text prolouge to Star Wars

Stay tuned for coming attractions.

It’s a nice pelvis, isn’t it?

I’m with stupid.

Do me now, for the future.

I like red things because they’re red and I like things that are red.

B E L T B U C K L E ! ! ! ! !

Doesn’t this look great with my custom made “grill”?


This is true art.

Positions available, apply within.

Omg Stfu Lol

Does this buckle make my crotch look fat?