Legal Bordellos In Nevada: New Links On My Website

I was shocked, shocked I tell you, to discover that the SEX section of my website seems to be the most popular page.

I have no other links to date on the entire site, but many have emailed me asking, “Where exactly are these legal bordellos in Nevada - specifically those close to Las Vegas?”

So to answer their questions, I have now included links to the bordellos.

Scroll down my opening page, find the SEX page and scroll a bit down the SEX page to where I give the links to the bordellos. You have to answer a question to get into that site, but I think most of you will be able to find your way in, should you be so inclined.

BTW, most of the links to that site are NOT work safe, so be forewarned!

Wow… does this read like form-spam to anyone else?

Sorry - but it was not meant to be that…I have had this site for quite awhile and just wanted to give a heads up to those who know me and the site.

I (still) intend to do other updates soon, but this was an update I thought some might appreciate.

I get no $$ from the site, so it is hardly “spam”. Just my odd little hobby as a local Las Vegas resident.

However, if the mods think this is “form spam”…feel free to lock it away.

Not cool. This guy has been a Doper for a long time, and runs a very interesting and useful website about Las Vegas.

Not only that, but he has been known to host a hell of a dope fest.

I don’t know DMark, but I know his site.

I’ve been that site a few times and appreciate the Vegas info.

I found Dmark’s site helpful when I visited Las Vegas. (Yes, I did cast a glance at the s*x pages!)
And the man himself was jolly hospitable. :slight_smile:

There is no sign that this is a money-making scam - just a bloke with sound local knowledge.

Thanks all for your kind words.

However, Diomedes was not wrong in raising an eyebrow at the thread - I probably could have phrased it differently and it did indeed look like a spam scam if you were unaware that I have been using the site regularly when people ask about Las Vegas. To be honest, it was answering the same questions over and over again here on the boards that gave me the idea to create the site!

I just figured I would be blunt - it is not easy to get a list of links to legal brothels (as I am sure many of you can attest), so thought I would herald in the news.

Perhaps “Come See My Hooker Links” would have been a more subtle thread title.

Hooker Links?
Ah, you have a problem with your golf swing. :slight_smile:
Now make sure the club face is open as you draw back…

Thanks, and sorry, man.
I didn’t mean to be insulting to DMark . I’ve definitely read a lot of his posts, and I know he’s not some drive-by spammer. It was just the capitalization of SEX and perhaps the passive phrasing of “many have emailed me asking…”

By the way, nice boobies. :slight_smile:

I don’t view DMark’s site (or this thread) as spam, but I do feel we have to treat this thread as we’ve treated others in the past. That is, any attempt to drive traffic to one’s site should be approved by the moderating staff beforehand. We don’t want the SDMB to turn into advertising for other people’s sites. (Outside what the Reader approves, of course.) And since we’ve closed the other threads that weren’t given permission, we’ll be doing the same here, too.

Also, permission given once doesn’t imply unconditional permission for more threads in the future; each thread will have to be approved. This applies to personal sites, charities, etc…

That said, DMark’s site is in his profile for those who are interested.