So someone is fond of birds and Lego and he managed to get enough support for his Lego birds on the Lego Ideas website to have them released as an official set. Very cool!
P.S. Paging Colibri!
So someone is fond of birds and Lego and he managed to get enough support for his Lego birds on the Lego Ideas website to have them released as an official set. Very cool!
P.S. Paging Colibri!
It kind of looks like what you’d get if you went out birding in Minecraft.
Awesome! I saw this set a while ago - maybe about a year - on the “potential sets” LEGO page, but it wasn’t getting quite enough support. It really is quite elegant.
What an excellent way to get to know birds! (Do they peck?)
Awesome! I love the addition of the little nameplates (namebricks?).
I like how the title of this thread sounds like an either awful or awesome but very SDMB-ish baby name.
“This is my son, Lego Colibri Thelassinus. And my daughter, Theremin Twickster Thelassinus.”
Speaking of Minecraft:
I assume the yellow thing is some kind of Central American remote link to the Dope Moderating Control Panel?
Nuh-uh. The daughter can be “Thelassinus,” but I feel the son should definitely be “Theladinus.”
Well yes, what else could it possibly be?