Lesbians - good, or awesome?

Hey Cranky, I like broads. Can I desanctify your marriage.

[small]Does it matter that I’m a guy?[/small]

Wow, there seem to be a significant number of Lesbians on this board.
Well, that we already knew, and so be it - but upon reflection, there are also a very large number of straight but married women too.
Which, when you add the two above together, seems to indicate there is a significant lack of single, straight women here (Yes, this is very much a critical, overriding concern)…

I am having second thoughts on ever attending a DopeFest Long Island…

On other matters, do (female - doh!) p0rnstars who specialize in lesbian scenes say “I am not a Lesbian, but I play one on TV?” :slight_smile:

There is a $100 bill in the middle of a 4-way path. On each path, are santa clause, the easter bunny, a beautiful busty blonde lesbian, and a man-hating dyke.

Who gets the $100 bill?

Explain your answer

I LOVE lesbians. They’re my favourite kind of people by far. And several of the comments in this thread have reminded my why :rolleyes:

The m-h d, and no, it’s more than my life’s worth to explain.

Every time I stick my finger in the light socket, it hurts. It must be the fault of the light socket.

ARGH! A thread about how lovely lesbians are and it’s full of pathetic comments from straight guys, homophobic jokes and the implication that we deserve all the homophobia we get! Jesus, if you want to take the piss out of lesbains, start your own thread!

Or take the piss out of my typing, that would be eminently jusitifiable :smack:

Somebody got some last night.
Pictures please.

I don’t have the equipment…

Wow, it’s not every day you see someone invoke Gaudere’s Law by criticizing their own typing. :slight_smile:

Anyway, I for one didn’t mean to be homophobic. I made my views clear above. But I hope you don’t mind if I mention that I for one get sick of the complaints I get about making too much noise in the office. I mean, a guy’s got to practice his trumpet somewhere, yanno? Why can’t my co-workers just be less musicophobic? :confused:

Well, Malacandra, an office is for working, and loud disruptive noises are prohibitive to work, and are therefore prohibited. I wasn’t aware that this was a straights-only message board. If it’s not, then lesbians should be free to be happy about their own sexuality without having homophibes take over the thread.

Next up: Why wearing a short skirt does not mean that you were asking to be raped.

I hope Guadere’s law isn’t one of those 3-strikes-and-you’re-out laws, or I’m going down. So to speak. :wink:

Yup, I’m in trouble! Damn this renegade keyboard!

Yup, I’m in trouble! Damn this renegade keyboard!

And damn the hamsters too. Bet none of them are lesbians.

If I turn off the circuit breaker before working on the socket and some jerk turns it back on, though, I’ve got every reason to be pissed at the maladjusted idiot who did it.

Actually, the Lesbians are getting rather tired of being confused with the lesbians. A lot of Lesbians disapprove of lesbians; they think being a lesbian is a perverse thing, and that no real Lesbian woman would ever be a lesbian. Lesbian men, you see, are manly men.

For example, one time a lesbian cruise tried to arrive at Lesbos, and the Lesbians were so upset that the lesbians were coming that the Lesbians decided to refuse permission for the lesbians to dock, so that the lesbians couldn’t walk among the Lesbians and spread their lesbian perversion among all the Lesbians and turn Lesbians lesbian.

In fact, the Lesbians are so annoyed at being associated with lesbians that they have decided that they now want to be called Lesvonians.

Which is so gay.


Soft butch. Maybe.”

  • Ginger, in Alison Bechdel’s Dykes to Watch Out For

If I remember the footnotes from my Greek Drama class correctly, in ancient times at least the women of Lesbos were by reputation pretty darn horny…for those manly, red-blooded Lesbian men (any other man would do in a pinch). This led to some Lesbian sex jokes in the old comedies that seem quite confusing from a modern perspective!

I’ve always wanted to have a lesbian experience…


I’m a single straight doper female!

Anyhow… I’m gonna go out on a limb here and add to the pile on.

Lesbians are awesome.