Let me be real clear: this message board does NOT need conservatives

You can’t fight any ignorance by spreading lies. Or by credulously regurgitating a mix of facts and falsehoods and exaggerations so tangled up that it’s impossible to determine how much is which.

Moreover, the “bubble” nature of news and facts on the left is nowhere near as pervasive and distorting as it is on the right. In fact, all the stuff that rightwing media likes to trumpet as its own “exposes” of non-rightwing figures is generally much more fully and factually explained in non-rightwing media (which is usually where the rightwing media found out about it in the first place).

Sam, are you really under the impression that those of us in the reality-based community don’t hear about anything unless it’s on Twitter and Facebook? As this Washington Post article notes, there was plenty of coverage of this story at the time in the non-rightwing mainstream media, and there continues to be.

Yeah, 'cause nobody in non-rightwing media ever suggested any such thing. Oh wait, they did.

Because only conservatives have access to the Justice Department website where they announce what the Lawfare blog describes as “the special counsel’s weird prosecution of Michael Sussman”?

How mysterious that no non-rightwing media thought to cover this interesting story!


Honestly, Sam, you’re just being pathetic here. Believe it or not, liberals (unlike many conservatives) do not need to go far afield beyond their “bubble” into strange new worlds of journalism in order to access news and opinion reporting critical of people who align with their own political ideology.