Lets all March forth and rant

I got my first Pfizer shot on 1/19 and the second one on 2/6. I had to make sure I got the second shot on a Saturday so I could spend Sunday feeling miserable so I wouldn’t have to miss work. We have a stupid point system for missed days :roll_eyes: and I was close to my limit in February.

I am starting a new mystery needlework class. Its a mystery because we don’t know what the completed work will look like, but we get to pick the colorworks we like and most of know what past classes look like because we have completed them. Here’s mine from last year. (I just noticed that picture was taken upside down and its already gone to the framer.)

Today I got the materials. I know that if I open the package now, I will spend at least a couple of hours sorting, admiring and labeling the thread alone with mounting the canvas. It’s an hour before dinner and I cannot take over the table now. I must wait.

The stupid package is looking at me fer crying out loud. “Open me, touch me, stroke me, admire me, you know you want to do it!”

And now I’ve learned that its got x-ray vision because its looking at me through the closet door!

I don’t have a mini-rant to contribute atm; I just wanted to compliment JaneDoe42 on what may be the quintessential archetype of what I perceive a mini-rant to be. Also, I laughed.

(And give a metaphorical thumbing of the nose to the memory of the late, unlamented Carol Stream.)

Awwwww, thank you. I’m glad my third world problem was able to entertain you for a while. If the damn thing hadn’t blinked, we would have been eating dinner on the kitchen island.

(Pretty, soft, nice moving colors. My precious!)

And who is Carol Stream?

You mean the instructions that changed the time between shots from three weeks to four months? Oh, those instructions.

Got my frozen salmon steaks, only 12 hrs. late this time.

Also got a summons for jury duty.

Your husband may have a double life, because he sounds a lot like mine, who isn’t great at doing household related things without explicitly being asked. For example, dinner is every day at 6:30. Not most days - every single day, the goal is to get food into the kids by 6:30 on a weeknight. If I don’t ask before leaving that he have dinner ready by 6:30 and outline exactly what he should make and with what and how, he just won’t do it. And even when I ask him to do it, I have to text or call to remind him what time it is. You know, so he can make the dinner he agreed to in order to make sure I don’t have to do anything.

I put a list of easy to make meals he can choose from for which I have committed to always having ingredients right there on the fridge. If I’m not home by 6, he can just choose a meal and make it, so dinner is ready for everyone on time. Does he use it? No. Because he still “wasn’t sure if you were going to do something else instead. Next time you need me to cook something, just text me and let me know - I want to help.” Dude, if you actually really wanted to help you’d suck it up and just cook something without me having to call you and explain in stupid detail what to cook, how, when, timing, etc. Unfortunately I think this is one of those things we will never resolve. Every time we have a sit down and I ask him to figure this stuff out, he puts me back in the manager seat again. I’m not sure how I was nominated to Director of Dinner and Everything Else, but I was and I hate it.

I hear this a lot from mothers. My husband manages a lot on his own, but he won’t cook, so lately I just make my own food and he eats his beans or whatever. But I also enjoy cooking and as Wee Weasel gets older I know I will have to start cooking again. My husband always works late so I find it pointless to cook a big meal to eat alone. It triggers all these ancient childhood feelings of neglect. I hate that he works late, and now that we have a child I hate it even more. Once he’s back in a physical office I will be putting the kid to bed every night and he won’t be home until after. There’s not a lot he can really do about it though.

The yard guy’s lawnmower threw a rock into the living room picture window. Broke the outer pane. Homeowner’s insurance has a $500 deductible. Quotes are coming next week. My agent will then have to figure out whether/how much my rates will go up if I file a claim. I’m sure it’ll be at least $1500-$2000 to replace. It would only be my 2nd claim in 40 years.

Send them the first batch of salmon and call it even

Ugh, I’m sorry to hear that. I hope your circumstances change in such a way he can be home at least some of the time when he goes back in. I do take for granted that if nothing else, I did have that support when the kids were young.

(Oops, just realized it’s April… so I’ll move my rant to a new thread)