Let's all try to be like jarbabyj!

It’s a real tool, but sounds like it oughtta be applied to a real tool: Bung Wrench.


Wrinkle-necked Stinksnake


Dear, if it’s scraping, something’s not right! That’s one thing I never ever do wrong.

Oh, and before I forget. A friend of mine uses this one a lot as his ultimate, non-gender specific insult and it always cracks me up.

festering twat-beast

Yup, she’s a keeper!

On second thought…

I didn’t say he ever called ME that!

twat beast

I just had an entire National Geographic article flash through my mind about the unexpected discovery of such an animal.** The Illusive Twat Beast**. HAHA. I’ll be snickering all day.

My baby sister once called me a cumfar. My mouth is still open in shock.

I like the idea of German swearwords: everything sounds like a curse when spoken in German. How about Scheisseschnitzel? Kuntwurst? Dickschnitzel? Fuckwurst? I’m obviously running dry.

That’s cumfart.

Thank you, danke and whew lissener, for clearing that up.

For I thought she was making some statement as to the projectory of your…well, you know…um…your…sticky stuff.





Wow. Remember that line in Billy Madison? Something about being 10% dumber? I now fully understand that line.

So, it’s been fourteen days, and that darn cat still hasn’t come up with his own jarbabyism.
I was explaining the idea of jarbabyisms to our non-SDMB roommate (horrors!) and rejoicing in Arden’s praise of snatchratchet (Thanks, Arden! :D).
Roommate pondered for a minute and said, “Like, shitwidget?”
moi gives a big grin of joy “Exactomundo!”
cat begins tearing out his hair and clawing at his eyes

Needless to say, he is still known to break into sobs of shame at a moment’s notice…often after being called a shitwidget.


found in a similar ecological niche as the buttmonkey, I guess

I’m getting to this a little late, but I’m picturing how well cocksocket and snatchrachet go together.

Wasn’t that Kate Crapsaw in “Indiana Jones And the Temple Of Doom?”

A related thread for all you pitizens, ya prick picklers.

Oh gawd. I had a pickle about 20 minutes ago with my absolutely DEEEVINE homepacked burger. A POX upon thee,iampunha for distorting a recent and pleasantly filling memory!!!

<—crossing eyes, fingers, making evil signs at punha, etc.


A personal favorite I haven’t seen yet

** Buttweasel [/sub]

and the classic(thank you ** Office Space **)
** assclown **

I’m rather partial to fuckles myself. Sort of an earthy, dorkish clown.

"Now look here Fuckles . . . "

Heehee:) I do aim to please, especially in the Pit.
