Let's cast John Carter of Mars

What’s wrong with my buddy “next door”?

He doesn’t need casting. I like him just as he is!


Oddly enough, according to the IMDB Zeta-jones is 5 years younger than Harring – but to each their own. There’s actually probably a better choice out there than either – Halle Berry could do it easily enough, but your cast would look good, and I like Brendan Fraiser a great deal.

'Tis true, 'tis pity. 'Tis pity 'tis true.

BTW, I apologize to all, I misnamed Young Lex, he is actually:

Michael Rosenbaum and can be found at:

Thanks, Quasi. I am quite busy these days, but, sigh in the interest of accuracy (and if the money is right) I’ll sacrifice and play the part.

As to the matter of Dejah Thoris: It must be none other than Ashley Judd! I know what you’re thinkin’, but wait until you see her in the buff and covered head to toe with a light coat of red facial powder. Yowza!

Oh yeah, Quasimodem must have a part too. Perhaps Tardos Mors, Jeddak of Helium?

Depends on how you played it … if you went for a light comedy adventure, which is about the only way TO play it in this day and age (BTW, I’m not talking camp, just a film with a sense of fun about itself, like “The Mummy.”)

John Carter … Luke Wilson

Deja Thoris … Christina Ricci, after she’s had some breast augmentation surgery to return her to her glorious form she had before she had ‘em reduced. (You guys CLEARLY do not understand the important of Deja being zaftig … it’s VERY important that she have a smokin’ bod.)

Tars Tarkas, CGI, but with the Rock doing the underlying motion and voice. He has a way of moving in a way that looks powerful taht would work well. Plus, the Rock has at least a mild sense of humor.

Rapas the Ulsio: well, if Jim Carrey could take direction I’d want him for the role, but I don’t think he can, so I’ll settle for Johnny Depp in this role – he’d prolly wind up stealing the movie, though

Ras Thavas: Jeff Goldblum

I’ve been carrying around a story called “Dancing Slavegirl of Mars” for years which would be a humorous update of Burroughs with some John Norman thrown in, in B-movie form. Might see the light of day one of these days.

Ooh, I hadn’t thought about Michael Duncan Clarke! His voice would be great, even more growly than Dorn. Tars Tarkas has to have a deep bass voice. And I’ll bet Clarke’s face, CGI’d as with Serkis/Gollum, would work. Would the tusks have to be real or CGI?

Me, too. I think if he buffed himself up a bit, he actually might fit the part…

Good trivia question.

What well known actor had, as his born name, John Carter?

Given the fact that I can’t cast my own John Carter, I choose James Stewart!


He’s dead?




Jimmy’s the only actor who could do Edgar Rice Burrough’s work justice. I mean, the guy (James Stewart) lived his whole life in a cloud, right?



Just thought of another candidate for the lead in John Carter of Mars

Bruce Campbell. Perfect.