Let's come up with some worthwhile, attainable New Year's resolutions

No joke answers, please. I am looking for genuine efforts to improve oneself in 2023.

It doesn’t have to be - maybe should not be - anything extraordinary. Just a minor, very attainable tweak that will make you a slightly better person than you were before.

And maybe just one resolution. Post it here. Check back in with us in 2023 and let us know how it’s going.

I’ll start the (New Year’s) ball rolling in my next post.


I’ve actually already been beta-testing my resolution. I’m going to adopt it full time and with increased awareness in 2023.

I am being a more courteous driver. I wave people into my lane without hesitation if they want to cut in. I safely move aside if someone starts tailgating me. I use my turn signal at every turn.

And while it is human nature to respond with anger or frustration when someone is being an asshole to you, I am learning to let go of that response, often after just a second or two.

Driving is a dangerous situation. More dangerous than many of us acknowledge. It is SO not worth it to engage in it when your mind is not right.


As the person driving behind you, please don’t let everyone cut in front of you.

I was at a Starbucks and for a rare exception NOT in a hurry. They were training a new person so the order took some time, like maybe an extra couple of minutes; nothing too outrageous. She apologized profusely for the delay and I responded, “It’s OK. I have time to be kind.” Yeah, I’ll admit it sounded stupid but seemed appropriate for the circumstance so that’s what I’m committing to in 2023. Those minor inconveniences that take what? A minute or two out of my rushed schedule? I have time to be kind.

Ha ha, yes, I was going to make that a part of my post but forgot to.

Courtesy extends in all directions.


Finish each shower with ice cold water. There are physical health benefits, and maybe some psychological ones, too.

Must start getting more exercise. I’m currently being treated for hypertension and have a pre-diabetic A1C, so I really need to work in more activity. I’m way too sedentary.

Mine is the same as every year- to exercise, lose weight and get in better shape. It’s not so much of a resolution, really, as a reset after a holiday season of relative indulgence. I do a dry January (this will be the 9th annual I think) and I restrict myself to 1600 net calories.

The ‘net’ part means that whenever I exercise I have an app that subtracts the estimated burned calories from my overall calorie consumption for the day. This is a great thing because it encourages me to exercise to ‘buy calories’ so I can eat more (or have a drink or two when dry January is over) and not go over the net calorie limit.

Mine is to release at least one lyrical song this year. Ideally, I’d like to release several, but at least one.

Spend more time playing my guitar. Part of the reason I still can’t play very well after trying to teach myself for the last 20 years is because I will “binge play” for about a month then not pick the damn thing up again for 6-8 months. I need to be more consistent with setting aside a certain amount of time daily or weekly to just focus on playing.

This perfectly describes my current approach to guitar as well. I think I may adopt your resolution for myself.

What a beautiful sentiment succinctly stated. It only sounds schmaltzy in contrast to the callous inconsideration we’ve come to expect from so many of those around us.

I didn’t come into this thread with a resolution in mind, but I have one now. Thank you.

Of course, the unspoken part of that is “You’re lucky I’m not in a fucking hurry.”


I will try to improve my handwriting this year. I will be more attentive to my diary entries too.

Exercise more. Running, pushups.

Trying to become Chinese-literate, maybe learn another 500-1000 characters.

Finish MBA and master’s in human resources management.

Hard to pick just one. I’d say continue my new habit of putting everything I want on a wish list and then budgeting toward it as a short term, but not immediate expense. I could handily afford to buy the things outright, but after my promotion I determined to not let comfort creep happen with the increased income. We need to save for my son’s college and retirement and a new house and I’m also trying to pay off some of our debt.

I’m using the Wish Farm model in YNAB which is essentially - put everything on a wish list and then keep a separate Wish Farm, where you select three items on your wish list of small, medium, and large size and transfer them to your Wish Farm (it makes more sense if you’re using YNAB.) So at any given time you have three things you’re working toward and when you have extra money you can put it toward your Wish Farm items (“water” your Wish Farm. I’m sorry, I just think it’s so cute.)

I’ve started doing this with budget categories I overspend in, like random household goods and clothes. It forces me to pause and consider whether I really want the thing. The surprising upshot is that I have decided later that 95% of the stuff isn’t necessary. It’s great! Really reduces impulse spending.

But I just started doing it this month. So my new year’s resolution is to continue doing it.

I think identifying ways you can be your best self is a great idea, and making resolutions that are worthwhile and attainable is an even better one. So props to the OP. It’s surprising how many people throw shade on New Year’s Resolutions. I get that the time of year is a bit arbitrary, in that one can make a resolution at any time. But hooking a desire to improve oneself into an institution like New Year (and telling people about your resolution/s), in my opinion, helps to make a lasting change in one’s behaviour.

My resolutions are continuing to re-read In Search of Lost Time and get back to a regular mindfulness practice.

I hear a lot of people say this too, but they are often people who don’t actually pursue self-improvement throughout the year. I do pursue that constantly which is why I love the opportunity to ritualize it. It’s like the big reward at the end of my year where I can reflect on my progress and set intentions for what is to come.

My new year’s resolution: to do something, every single day, that takes me out of my comfort zone and pushes me to be a better person.

I do a version of that, mostly to keep myself calm. and not react If someone cuts in front of me, or pulls out suddenly, I just say ‘Be my guest’ (sometimes literally out loud). It is a great calming technique,

When some hoon driver is careering down the road, way over the speed-limit and driving like a madman, the wife and I always say to each other ‘He must be a brain surgeon - needed for an important operation’. Works for us (particularly when the ‘brain surgeon’ is driving some hotted-up POS with go-faster stripes).

I’ve decided to be specific this year:

Two sessions of weightlifting each week, no exceptions. At least 30 minutes each time.