Let's discuss Oktoberfest beers!

I didn’t want to hijack the craft beer/IPA thread. I’m looking to try several Oktoberfest beers this month. Here’s what I can order from my delivery service:

Hacker-Pschorr Oktoberfest Beer
Two Brothers Atom Smasher Oktoberfest Style Lager Beer
Great Lakes Brewing Co. Oktoberfest Beer
Revolution Brewing Oktoberfest Revolution Lager Beer
Paulaner Amber Oktoberfest Lager
Bell’s Brewery Oktoberfest Beer
So far, I’ve tried Goose Island Oktoberfest, which was just OK and Lagunitas Tuberfest which I absolutely loved. Of course, I’ve liked just about every beer I’ve tried from Lagunitas. I know I want to try the Great Lakes Oktoberfest, since I’ve also had good success with Great Lakes.

Feel free to mention other Oktoberfest beers that I should be on the lookout for in bars or I can go to Binny’s Beverage and actually buy my beer at the store, the old fashioned way.

The Hacker-Pschorr is my Oktoberfest yardstick. Solid beer to judge other Oktoberfests by. I love the Great Lakes version. My favorite is between that and Ayinger Oktoberfest.

Hacker-Pschorr Oktoberfest Is really good. Funny, I also recommended it in the “enough already with all the IPAs” beer thread the other day.

And if you want to have some fun, try the Old Style Oktoberfest. If you already like Old Style (like I do), it might be a bit of a surprise to you. It’s 6.3% ABV and tastes to me exactly what I expect an Oktoberfest from Old Style to taste like, if not a bit stronger. I know that’s not a ringing endorsement, but I did enjoy it. It’s not going to quite make my standard Oktoberfest rotation, but I’m glad I tried it.

A couple of years ago our liquor stores brought in Paulaner beer. A 1 lt. can inside a large Oktoberfest mug. A very nice German beer which brought back long ago memories of a week at the Munich Oktoberfest. Pretty hard to beat the originals.

I love Hacker-Pschorr and I love Great Lakes. They are both great marzens, IMO. Paulaner and Bell are just okay, in my book. I haven’t tried the others.

Stick with Hacker-Pschorr and Paulaner and you can’t go wrong. Personally, I stock the Paulaner and random offerings from various San Diego breweries.

Spaten too. Another of the Munich breweries.