Lets do the Time Warp...Again!

It looks like MTV is remaking The Rocky Horror Picture Show.. No casting announced yet, though, so let’s help them out, folks.

Frankenfurter-Johnny Depp
Eddie-Jack Black

That’s all I’ve got so far.

Makes no difference who they cast, I won’t watch it. There are at least three sequel scripts from Richard O’Brien out there; why not make one of those instead of fucking up yet another classic? Did they learn nothing from their “Carmen” debacle? Apparently not.

It’s like the remakes of The Lion in Winter or Psycho or Miracle on 34th Street. What’s the point in remaking a movie that was made right the first time?

Must be an ego thing.
I always wonder about it when I hear a crappy version of a classic song, like without you. I mean, Nilsson did the definitive version - does everyone else think that they can top it?

There have been a few movies where the remakes were better than the original, but usually the original was clearly a poor effort with a potentially good script. Here’s a very short list.

Really, who cares about anyone but a naked Janet?

I nominate Anne Hathaway.

As a fan and former “floor show” cast member at my local theater, I may be in the minority here, but I welcome the chance to see what something resembling a decent budget would do for RHPS. My only problem is with MTV producing it. If this is the case, you can probably forget about Depp or Black (both excellent choices, IMHO, but waaaay beyond MTV’s budget). We’re more likely to see Johnny Knoxville (blech) as Frank.

If it absolutely has to be remade, I’d rather see it made for the big screen. Besides the aforementioned Depp and Black, I’d like to see:

Brad–Actually, I think this would be the role for Depp.
Frank–Kevin Spacey
Janet–Maggie Gyllenhall
Magenta–Gwen Stefani

And, for the requisite “returning original cast member”, either Tim Curry as The Criminologist or Meat Loaf as Dr. Scott.

And the whole shebang directed by JOHN WATERS!!!

I’ve seen several stage productions of Rocky Horror, and I enjoyed them all (even the bad ones). The prospect of a remake doesn’t faze me.

I nominate Pauley Perrette as Columbia. You just know this gal can tapdance.


Frankly (heh), I think that Tim Curry’s playing of Frankenfurter is untouchable. I can’t imagine watching Sweet Transvestite on the screen and seeing a remake as anything but a pale shadow.

Eddie Izzard looks quite a bit like Tim Curry. Anyone know if he can sing?

Casting Maggie Gyllenhall as Janet just made me get a hillarious image… the cast of The Dark Knight as the cast of Rocky Horror Picture Show.

Actually, now I’m reminded of a previous amusement a friend and I came up with, what if Robert Rodriguez remade RHPS?

Frank - Wilem Dafoe
Brad - Johnny Depp
Janet - Eva Mendez
Dr. Scott - Cheech Marin
Eddie - Antonio Banderas
Riff-Raff - Danny Trejo
Magenta - Salma Hayek
Columbia - Not sure on this one. Johnny Depp in a dual-role? :smiley:

I dunno, can he? :smiley:

Actually, you could probably do a lot worse than Christian Bale as Frank…

And Heath Ledger could only play Eddie after he’s dead!

Oh, like none of you thought the same thing!

And even more like Tom Hewitt.

I’m mystified by the “If it ain’t big budget, it’s not worth doing” attitude some are showing here. IMHO, if the original had had big stars and a big budget, it wouldn’t be the midnight wonder it is today.

He may possibly have the wardrobe already.

Dunno, he sounds more like a ringmaster timing his words to the music than someone singing in that bit. It’s not clear whether that’s his limit or if that’s all he was trying to do.

I think that attitude stems from MTV’s involvement; as mentioned upthread, a low budget might mean that we’re treated to the cast and antics of Jackass. How much liberty would MTV take with the plotline, for example?

There is no justice in the world if Pink is not cast as Magenta…

Thomas Gibson as Brad Majors.

A remake sounds disastrous unless they get the aforementioned Pink as Magenta and John Waters directing. That I would see.

(I had no idea they remade The Lion In Winter…sacrilege! Even counting my abiding love of Glenn Close it is still sacrilege!)