I saw on Fark and Something awful boards, they are trying to get Devo’s Whip It #1 on TRL, I think we should help them out. Go to
and vote write in at the bottom
I saw on Fark and Something awful boards, they are trying to get Devo’s Whip It #1 on TRL, I think we should help them out. Go to
and vote write in at the bottom
I voted. IMHO, that video is better than the crap they have on now.
I voted three times.
Does this mean I have to watch TRL? Ugh.
I voted.
K - I voted too.
I don’t actually get MTV, but I like Devo.
I voted good.
As a Devo fan, I would have preferred Girl U Want, Peek-A-Boo! or Love Without Anger. But, hey, Whip It! is cool too. I voted.
Didn’t work. Sorry folks.
I’m so disillusioned.
Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?
We can still help sabotage tomorrow’s countdown, right?
“Whip It” was the first video I ever saw, when my cousins got cable TV way, way back when. I thought it was great!!! I’ll never forget the dude whipping clothes off the mannequin! It excited 14-year-old me down to my socks.
A few years back a big group got together and voted for “Hangin’ Tough” by New Kids on the Block or something. They actually showed it, but I bet they have it set up so that sort of thing doesn’t happen any more.
In our podunk hometown the local radio station had a “top 9 at 9” request show and our class got everyone we knew to call and request “Grandma Got Run Over by a Raindeer” in the middle of summer. You could tell the DJ was mega annoyed, lol. Good times!
Do you actually think the MTV people would ever allow this to work? The whole purpose of TRL is to build hype for what the record companies are selling this week, not to actually show videos or please the proles. The notion of TRL showing something unsaleable is laughable.
Exactly. We’re looking for a good laugh that in the end hurts no one, and imagine the hearty guffaws we’ll all get (well, everyone but you, apparently) if by some freak of nature the plan actually works.
It’s no worse than trying to organize a Super Bowl halftime flush, or everyone in class dropping their pencils at 2:15 to annoy the substitute teacher.
Lighten up a little.
It tell me that I am not eligible.
Wouldn’t this thread technically be classified under a “call to action?”
Odd that the mods haven’t done anything about it. Now the question is, have they not seen it, or used selective rule-bending to allow it. Neither would shock me these days.
Those crazy Devo loving kids are at it again. I couldn’t agree more, this here thread is dangerous and must be stopped. I discussed it with the mods and the illuminati though and it looks like they might ignore it, but just this once.
I’m a bitter old coot and that’s the way I like it, goldarn it!
I do like Devo, as a matter of fact. I would rather vote for Girl You Want or Jerking Back And Forth, but, as everyone else has said, Whip It is at least serviceable. I must say that Freedom Of Choice has a desperate significance now, but that’s always the case, isn’t it?
Yeah with Fark and SA behind it, that’s a lot of people.
/I’d vote it!
I voted. Let’s keep this up for a while and just see if we can do it.