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How many hours/day do you spend in front of your PC?

Too many. I don’t want to work out how many because then I’ll actually know I’m computer-obsessed.

8-9, due to my job working on it.

at home, very little, due to the fact i’ve just spent 8-9 hours at work on a Mac, the last thing I want to do is sit at home looking at a Mac.

No interweb at home either, which helps.

at the very least 7 hrs a day. (again due to work)

chances are i’ll be in front of a pc or console for another 2 or 3 in the evening too. Unless i go to the pub obviously.

09:00 - 18:00 with an hour off for lunch. It’s the job. My home PC died and I decided not to fix it (it was two years old and therefore obsolete anyway). So no home PC, I was spending way too much time playing Quake/UT.

Way too much - Depending on what I’m working on, I spend about 9-14 hours in front of my home PC (I work out of my home as a freelance writer). When possible, I edit my projects in a coffee shop or at the park - anything to get out of my office for a couple of hours!

7-8/day at work
1-3/day at home

2-3/day at home (if there’s not a particular game I’m addicted to at the moment)
14-18/day at home (if there is a particular game I’m addicted to at the moment, or if my wife is away on business)

At work: 7 to 8 hours a day.

At home: 4 to 6 hours a night. Weekends, about 8 to 10 hours. Having a full-time DSL connection tends to do this. I’m usually in front of the computer when I do other things like watching TV or eating dinner, even if I am not actually doing anything on the computer at that time.

I have no social life whatsoever.