Let's keep sneering at "Bernie bros", it worked so well last time.

No one is doing that. Many have tried to explain that if you don’t like Trump and what the country is becoming, it is in YOUR own best interest to vote for someone that can beat Trump. Someone that can win even if they are not quite your political ideology. But much closer to it.

It’s best to move in the correct direction, unless you have the idea that many Trump supporters do ~ “Burn it all down”

Get it?

I can’t speak for anybody else, of course.

I certainly don’t think there’s anything bad about supporting Sanders in the primary. There’s nothing bad about wanting him to win. I mean, he’s kind of old, but I’d still vote for him if he won the primary. I’d still vote for him in the primary if the Republican party was like it was sixty years ago and not entirely populated by corrupt treasonous shitbags.

However they are all corrupt treasonous shitbags, which means the terrain changes after the primary. This is america, and third party voters can’t win, EVER. Which sucks! The two party system sucks! But it’s what we have and what we have to deal with. So when it comes down to the final vote, you have three choices:

  1. Vote for the Dem.
  2. Vote for the corrupt treasonous shitbag.
  3. Vote for neither, by either not voting for anybody or voting for somebody else.

The thing about the third option is that it’s equivalent to casting half a vote for each candidate. And while I’ve been happy with the idea of doing that in the (rather distant) past, we’ve reached the point where even half a vote for treason is too much.

Do you notice a difference in tone between what you just posted, and this? What difference in effect might they have on their target audience?

They just don’t care. They’ve said as much. It’s the most fulfilling thing that’s ever happened to them politically to be able to say they don’t care what anybody stands for, they don’t care what anyone believes, because the other guy is a bad guy.

Why are you assuming that people are doing it because it’s smart?

People who voted against Trump in the past and watched Bernie supporters NOT vote against Trump and then watched Trump set fire to the country are bitter, and have reason to be bitter. It’s a bitter pill that Bernie Bros (and republicans, and Putin) have been shoving down their throats for years.

So yeah, it’s not surprising that at the slightest hint that the Bernie supporters might go for an encore of their prior performance rationality goes out the window for some people.

I see. And the appropriate response to that is to pile on me, rather than the people who are irrationally doing what they can to steer people away from voting for Trump’s opponents?

That’s what you get out of this thread? God help us.

Public forum, snowflake. Possibly you prefer a safe space?

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You miss the point, retard. I’m not saying that no one else is entitled to answer that question, I just said ringing in with your opinion is obvious and pointless since I know what the third party answer is.

Do you really think I’d go starting pit threads where I gladly take on all comers if I require a “safe space”? It’s pretty obvious that, well, no, maybe not to you.

But fine. You can answer the question. Not “what would you think of someone who decided not to vote for the democratic candidate because other people were being shitty to them”, that’s not the question. The question is “if you deliberately tried to alienate a potential democratic voter by pushing them over the edge into not voting for them by being as shitty as possible to them, and that did indeed keep them from voting, how would you feel about that?”

Bonus question. If a foreign adversary were trying to sew discord and influence the election by trying to discourage or flip progressive voters who are not happy with the democratic establishment, what tactics would they use? How would what they said differ from the sort of things you’ve said in this thread?

Very well said. Bernie’s major flaw is the idea that everyone should get free college. Not everyone belongs in college. We need something more like the German system in which some people are put early-on into a path leading to trade school. There, I said it.

I was a Bernie Bro in 2016 and he even got some of my money. From last October thru 2 days ago I was a Yang Gangster an he got some of my money. I own 2 Yang2020 shirts and a MATH hat. Now I’m a Bernie Bro again and I love the guy dearly.

For fuck’s sake, you’re an asshole.

The fact that you and other people seem to be precisely following the instructions in the thread title.

Something like this yes. Not everyone want’s or needs college.

I don’t have a degree, and am making 100g a year. In computers.

That’s a brilliant hypothetical that has absolutely no basis in reality or possibility, and is thus rejected as fucking stupid.

Feel free to continue your rant about how everyone is picking on you.

Going full Lord of the Flies is not working so well, is it?

Step One, create monster.
Step Two, run around like headless chicken in fear of the monster.
Step Three, blame Russia, I guess.

Replace “Bernie” with “Trump” in the second paragraph, and this sounds an awful lot like what fervent Trump supporters believe about their hero - he’s the only one that’s sincere, the only politician who calls out the bad guys, the only one who really cares about the average Joe.

It’s to be expected that many young people who haven’t experienced a long dreary succession of politician sell-outs, hypocrisy and sleaze falling for this “(s)he’s the only one who CARES” claptrap. It’s more difficult to understand older voters getting taken in.

Naturally, anger gets turned on those who point out that the Emperor isn’t dressed quite as well as you think. Folks also get pissed off when you try to warn them about health quackery, MLM spiels and double-your-money-in-six-months investments.

Better get used to the idea that what every Democratic hopeful has a laser focus on is gratifying their ambitions. Standing up for the downtrodden and saving the country - not so much. Still, whoever wins out is going to be a far better bet than Trump.

I think.

Irrelevant. You’re saying that only 53% of people are sure who they’re going to vote for no matter what on election day. I’m saying that doesn’t mean 47% of the voters are going to stay home or vote for Trump, it just means people aren’t willing to commit their vote now and stick to it regardless of what happens, which is perfectly reasonable. There’s a 99% chance I will vote for whoever the democratic candidate was, but I’m part of that 47% that you’re just assuming won’t do it, simply because I’m not willing to say that absolutely no matter what goes on from here on out, there’s nothing that could posisbly change my voting inclination.

Oh give me a fucking break, this is so stupid.

There is no reason to believe that Trump would ever be an advocate for the average person. He’s a psuedo-billionaire obsessed with appearances and celebrity. He spent his entire life stiffing and otherwise screwing over working class people. He’s obviously a pathological liar. It’s obvious to anyone by observing Trump’s life what his presidency would be like. Just because he has cultists who believe anything he says doesn’t mean that anyone who believes in anyone is the same thing.

Bernie has walked the walk his entire life. Remember that picture I posted of him hosting a gay pride parade in the town he was mayor of in 1986? That’s a guy that’s putting principle above all else. The town council tried to get him fired for that. He’s been proposing legislation and talking about the same agenda he’s talking about today for decades now.

I don’t believe in Bernie’s sincerity because he told me to, or because he somehow charmed me with being everyone’s racist uncle or whatever the fuck Trump did to create his cult. I believe in it because he has lived what he says for his whole life and the record is there.

Trying to call me a cult-like Bernie supporter is so fucking stupid because I don’t even like the guy all that much. I don’t think he’s a great speaker. I don’t think he’s an amazing policy wonk that has everything figured out. I just think that he’s a guy who has proved himself to be sincerely behind his message, and he genuinely wants to move this country closer to the rest of the world who are all happier than us. He’s willing to speak about what the real battle is in this country underneath all else when no one else is, and I think he’s as close to uncorruptable as anyone I’ve ever seen in my lifetime. I’m not under his spell, he’s just one of two candidates who aren’t under the thumb of the people who run this country, and of the two, I think he’s the least likely to allow that to change.

I think you have misunderstood me. Of course I care about others. I am doing fine so I want to vote for candidates who will do the most for people who need the most. And help the US compete with China over the next 40 years, which IMHO will be aided by More immigration, not less, which makes Trump a nonstarter for another reason if anyone needs it.

I was trying to share my perspective to help others see why some of us don’t care which Dem wins, while others may be turned off by, say, an overtly bank-friendly Hillary. Me, the recession was no big deal, I had pretty much wiped out a little before it and if anything it was a killer investment opportunity. Obama was president, tens of millions got health insurance, real employment and real economic/production growth followed a strikingly stable and also sober trend. And he was cool, Germany liked us and Russia didn’t, and yeah Obama was compromised like every other person in this crazy world but dammit, he really improved things.

But for some people, the recession was the disaster and the bank bailout did not impress. Years went by under Obama and they stayed whacked by the recession, and it just didn’t get better. And then Hillary runs and actually tries to cover up that she is pals with a lot of bankers and the down and out are really turned off. Bernie, meanwhile, offers real solutions. Yeah, at the cost of… Socialism! :eek: :rolleyes:

Do you see? I don’t need the help, but I want others to get it. From here, positive national statistics suffice. For others it is: is this platform going to help Me, Soon?


SO many fucking people are doing that, both on the SDMB and elsewhere. You just don’t see it. Well, sorry, but that’s on you. Open your fucking eyes.

Shut your cunt mouth you fucking worm.