Let's keep sneering at "Bernie bros", it worked so well last time.

Which is more likely: you’re ridiculously convoluted situation, or that Bernie simply loses, and:

Be careful guys, don’t want to hurt the Bernie supporters’ feelings!

Yeah, no sexism THERE.

I’ve quoted this in its entirety because I agree with it. And that’s despite that I consider myself almost a “centrist.” I understand enthusiasm for Bernie. I admire the man. Recall that it was I — not one of the more fanatical Bernie Bros — who rebuked margin’s stupid “ONE march” falsehood by mentioning the time he chained himself to blacks and was arrested.

I think the other D candidates are sincere, though obviously they are all (with the exception of Warren) much less radical than Bernie.

I get all that. I can’t speak for others in the thread, but I admire Sanders; I admire the enthusiasm of his supporters.

Where the Bernie Bros go wrong is in lumping moderates like Biden with the Republicans. In some cases, even threatening to help elect Trump if Biden is the nominee. This shows such a bizarrely STUPID understanding of American politics, that when I read such stupidity, I discard EVERYTHING such a Bernie supporter writes or thinks. It’s like a restaurant patron who, upon learning that the Filet Mignon is unavailable and that he must choose between Veal Piccata or a Dogshit Sandwich, chooses the Dogshit out of spite.

Any Bernie supporter who lumps the moderate D’s with the R’s in today’s political clime is demonstrating the IQ of a banana slug. Get it?


Listen to yourself. God help us if the Sanders supporter who said from the beginning he would vote for whatever reach-across-the-aisle-and-lose lobbyist in chief warmonger the Democrats nominate didn’t “get” the right thing from this thread.

Such an amazing educational opportunity for a dumb baby like me to get shouted out about irrelevancies that were conceded before the conversation even started, and I’ve squandered it. Typical Bernie brat.

No, I didn’t get that from this thread. What I got from this thread is nothing, other than a reminder of why I don’t come around here.

You keep bring this up so I have to think that I’ve really hurt your feelings. You gotta admit, as far as profanity laced rants go, it’s among the better ones out there. Right? :wink:

Despite enjoying some teasing at the expense of Bernie and his most avid supporters, I’ve been very honest about being in favor of most of Bernie’s policies. Being an independent, like you. Being progressive socialist, like you. Acknowledging that you have agreed to vote “Blue no matter who”.

What more can I offer you to get you and your fellow comrades (not meant as a pejorative) to understand that this election is about bigger things than any one Democratic party hopeful, and that we, as progressives, cannot afford to be blindsided by the undoubtedly sincere, though misguided, passions of “Bernie or Bust”.

Is supporting fiascos like the Iraq war and singing the praises of people who like carpet bombing countries we’re not even at war with really what passes for ‘moderate’ these days? It’s kind of amazing that ‘I’m not going to vote anyone for president who voted for the Iraq war’ or ‘I’m not going to vote for anyone for president who thinks carpet bombing people is OK’ is some super-radical position to take.

What about Biden himself, who is fine enough with ‘compromising’ with the far-right agenda of the Republicans that he’d be willing to pick a Republican VP? “Uh, you have the IQ of a banana slug if the guy who’d be fine with a Republican VP is anything but staunchly opposed to the Republicans” doesn’t really work. (I’m safe from the accusation anyway, I wasn’t pulling for Bernie until he became the only palatable nomine, I’ve just been in the ‘no carpet bombing’ and especially ‘no pro-Iraq-war president’ camp.)

Hmm, how did the Democrats nominating an antiwar candidate work out last time it really was an issue?

Yup, ‘For (at least) More Years!’

CMC fnord!

You poor thing you. NO ONE IS DARING ‘non’ Democrats to vote for Trump. Open your own eyes.

Joe Biden voted AGAINST the 1991 Gulf War, so lumping him with war mongers seems … quaint. His vote for the AUMF-Iraq in 2002 may have been similar to Hillary’s vote (see below); in any event he soon turned against the Bush-Cheney adventure when their lies and incompetence became apparent.

After the (correct) decision to invade Afghanistan in 2001, the U.S. had a duty to the people of Afghanistan and to the U.S. soldiers put in harm’s way. This is not the thread to discuss Every.Single use of American military force, but those who say it is NEVER right to use military force are just as wrong as those who think it is ALWAYS right.

Hillary was hugely and wrongly maligned by ignoramuses for her vote on AUMF-Iraq. I’ve posted excerpts from her own Senate speech to shatter these lies — her vote was intended to REDUCE the chance for War. But people prefer to have their minds made up, to repeat whatever lies fit their prejudices.

If I thought there was a 2% chance you’d reconsider your ignorant views I’d spend some more Googles to disabuse you of the lies you’ve bought into. Lies pushed by haters, liars and, yes, perhaps Bernie Brats. It would be a waste of my time? Thought so.

Can’t find the link right now, but I read an analysis last week that showed that if a Democrat got McGovern’s voting demographics today (i.e. his percentage of black, white, hispanic, etc.), they’d probably win rather comfortably.

In other words, he voted for the Iraq war and spoke out in favor of it at the time just like I said. Later on when the war became unpopular he, along with a lot of other Democrats, suddenly became anti-war, but being antiwar after you’ve already had the war is pretty meaningless.

There’s nothing ignorant about my views, claiming that I’m ‘ignorant’ for looking at actual history instead of whitewashing nonsense is pure ad hominem. The record is clear, Biden voted for the Iraq war and spoke out strongly in support of it at the time. There are no ‘lies’ involved, I’m talking about well-documented historical fact.

Not sure why you’re bringing in a bunch of non-sequitors. I didn’t say a single word about Afghanistan or state that it is NEVER right to use military force. If you’re confused, the reference to carpet bombing civilians in a country we’re not at war with refers to him saying “Dr. Kissinger, Mr. Secretary, you are a friend. A genuine friend…Thank you for always being my reality check” to a man who orchestrated a campaign to carpet bomb civilians in a country we weren’t even at war with. I am willing to say that THAT is never right. Is ‘I oppose carpet bombing people we’re not even at war with’ really too far-left of a position for you?

She was nowhere near maligned enough for her vote for the Iraq war, people like you continue to make excuses for her. Excerpts from her speeches don’t change that she voted to enable the war when she could have voted against it. The fact that she’s a lying politician who wants to have things both ways and made CYA statements in speeches doesn’t ‘shatter’ the truth that she voted for the war, period. I compromised my principles and voted for her in 2016, and the fact that the Democrats are dragging out another candidate who thought Iraq was peachy keen and enabled it to happen demonstrates that I made a horrible mistake in signaling that I’d be willing to hold my nose and vote for that sort of person.

Here is the headline on your link:

“Hillary Clinton: I’m to blame for election loss BUT OUTSIDE INTERFERENCE COST ME

Emphasis added.

It still looks a lot like excuse making. She is not owning her defeat.

It’s starting to look like a brokered convention and all bound delegates are released after the first vote. Bernie’s camp needs a majority of the bound delegates to win this thing otherwise they will give it to someone else. And if Bernie showed up with a plurality of the delgates and still loses, then a lot of Bernie supporters will take their ball and go home. That’s the threat.

Is she wrong?

For added irony, do you see how you are dismissing all the moderates that are actually going to swing this election. Bernie probably can’t actually win the nomination. There is no likely pathway to his nomination. He would need a majority of the bound delegates to avoid a brokered convention and there is no way that a brokered Democratic convention produces Bernie as the nominee. And right now it is still unlikely that he wins an outright majority of bound delegates.

I am glad that the Democrats are having this adult moment when they realize that telling boomers they are irrelevant by sneering “OK Boomer” at them is a bad idea. I’m glad that Democrats are taking this opportunity to tell the vocal far left wing of the party to sit down and shut up because their vote carries no more weight than the votes of a moderate Democrat no matter how much they shout and insult and pout.

You are basically saying that we are practically forcing you to let Trump win by not giving you everything you want.

You think people aren’t sneering at Biden? At Butigieg? At Bloomberg? Come on man.

It’s guessing right up until election day but a lot of never trumpers are no longer never trump. All those supreme court nominations got a lot of them over their reluctance to support a racist.

How would you describe the candidate they are running against?

I think Bernie has no chance at the nomination.
I think it’s a little early to label Warren as the beleaguered female candidate that has been badmouthed into unelectability.
Biden hasn’t really been making a lot of waves, good or bad. Boring is the worst thing you could say about him
Bloomberg’s strategy might make him king, it might make him a king-maker.
I think folks are more concerned about Butigieg’s inexperience than his sexual orientation.

How does insulting moderates help the Democratic party or help anyone defeat Trump?

You have to be very very far to the left to not see daylight between Trump and any Democrat running for office.