Hey, Manwich, Bernie lost.


Now go fuck yourself. We’re not playing that Biden has to earn my vote game this time. Shitbag Sanders lost. He got his vile disgusting ass kicked.

Take a hint, we don’t want your vote. You’re not worthy enough to vote for Joe Biden. I’ll suggest an alternative: open up your asshole and shove your holier than thou vote right up there. It won’t be missed and neither will Bernie Sanders.

Look, I know the Chapos were particularly mean to your boy Mayor Pete, and I know you’ll be massively butthurt about it for the rest of your life…but this is just unseemly, dude. C’mon.

I’m glad most Democrats are pretty decent and welcoming, and not intolerant assholes like dale. Thankfully for the party!

Now that’s the way to bring Bernistas back into the fold!

Seriously, dude, go fuck yourself.

Also, point of order; you absolutely are playing that game, whether you like it or not. The fact is, there are many people - people who would’ve gladly walked through fire for Bernie Sanders - who don’t see much of a problem staying home if their choice is between Biden and Trump.

You can either convince them to vote for Joe Biden, or you can whine like a bitch. What’s it going to be?

I get the impression dale would rather lose than win with the help and support of Bernie and Bernie supporters. I certainly see him post much, much more vitriol against Bernie and Bernie supporters than Trump and his.

I think it’s more meta-whining. Bernie-or-busters will sit out this election and then whine that Biden, rather than themselves, is the reason we have 4 more years of Trump. It isn’t quite cricket to say that you can’t whine back at them.

If Bernie campaigns for Biden and Biden wins, he will receive none of the credit for it, nor do I expect him to play any kind of a role in the Biden administration. If Bernie campaigns for Biden and Biden loses, he will be blamed for not getting behind him sooner. No matter what happens, the progressives will be marginalized and blamed.

Dale’s obsession with Sanders is unhealthy, verging on (or veering wildly into) mental illness. That doesn’t stop him from being a horrible asshole.

I find it odd that a Democratic Party candidate has to EARN a vote, but an America-hating fuckstick has not already “EARNED” a vote to banish him from the Oval office

This pitting seems very Trump-like.

The pittee asks why he should vote for Biden.
The pitter refuses to engage, offers nothing but insults & invective, and in the process embodies all the negative attributes he accuses his critics of.


I’ll reiterate my confusion to you, Clawdio; perhaps you can enlighten me.

Some Bernie supporters are very upset, and because they’re humans, they might not be able to philosophically and emotionally turn on a dime, but rather might need some welcoming and encouragement.

Listen, I agree with you. Manwich’s logic is IMO flawed.

But it’s the kind of flawed logic that can be addressed with respect and compassion. Dale’s spittle-spraying invective is just terrible.

I agree with you that the Donald deserves to be voted out of office. I was commenting that this particular pitting makes the pitter look worse than the pittee. Regardless of how terrible Trump is in every way… why would the reaction to “what are the reasons that Biden is a better candidate than Bernie” be: “Because fuck you, that’s why”.

Unless the Pitter and the Pittee have some history on this subject it sounds like another anti-Bernie rant.

Well, to be clear, Manwich’s question seems to be not so much “what are the reasons that Biden is a better candidate than Bernie” but “what are the reasons that Biden is a better candidate than Trump”:

(Which question several other posters have given reasonable answers to in that Politics & Elections thread.)

But it would be Biden’s fault. Nobody owes Biden their vote. If I think that Joe Biden is just a neoliberal shill giving cover to the rapacious moneyed interests that make it so hard to get on in life, then the fact that Donald Trump might be, like, 20% worse or whatever isn’t going to be enough to get me off my ass on Election Day. It’s Biden’s job to make voters believe in him. If he can’t do that then that’s on him.

Missing a couple of zeros there.

Only up to a point. We already know some of those voters are “Bernie or Bust” types. They’re not any more open to persuasion or reason than Trumpists are.

The vast majority are reasonable (as they were in 2016 as well), and few people have issues with them.

But There’s a dedicated minority that it is difficult, even now, to defend. And we are asked to coddle them anyway. That works up to a point, but the thing about meeting them in the middle is it works both ways. They’ve got to be actually willing to be open to reason or persuasion, and this is clearly not the case with many of them (including some vocal examples on this very board).