Qazzz’s thread "I just wanna say you guys are so freaking cool"which I happened to notice while scanning topics on MPSIMS,I don’t know why I noticed it, uses the unword wanna.
I wondered how many times its used so I did a weeks search and found it was used 60 times.
Thats a lot for a non-word especially here where a lot of english major types hang out.
So whats it take to make a word so popular that Websters recognizes it?
Well, it’s in American Heritage.
Ain’t gonna happen.
'Gotta happen sooner or later.
I dunno if we should do it or not.
You mean it isn’t? Damnit!
<inside joke>
I have an irrational (or maybe not so irrational) hatred for the word “wanna”
</inside joke>
<on the inside>
As well you should.
</on the inside>
I don’t wanna!
Shoulda, woulda, coulda, I say them but rarely write them.
Funny I was thinking about colloquialisms (sp) and such the other day.
Nor’ Carlina, Sou’ Carlina, nuthing, ain’t, t’wernt, t’was, canna, I guess = yeah, mightin, haveta gonna, wanna, cain’t, t’aint, gotta…
I’ll see ifin I can ‘member anymore an’ put 'em in later.
Y’all wanna getcha butts in gear and don’t never mind the fancy talk of them university types. Doncha know that thems got no right to tell ya not to use “wanna” any ol’ time ya wanna.
I’m not gonna stand for it.
I’m curiious, do they say “gonna” and “wanna” in English-speaking countries besides the U.S.?