Texas Atty. Gen. Greg Abbott. What a completeTool. And this piece of crap is the current Attorney General of Texas?
Let's pork this asshole. Attorney General Greg Abbott, the Republican nominee for governor of Texas.
Tell me why I should give a shit? If you can’t be bothered to explain to the studio audience why you’re “porking” him, why should I care?
I once tried explaining to the studio audience why I was porking the Attorney General of Texas.
Long story short, I am no longer welcome on the set of Good Morning America.
Isn’t “pork” a euphemism for “fuck”?
Cuz I don’t wanna.
Because our OP can’t be bothered to make a coherent argument and has to link something totally unrelated in the process - the problem is that the AG of Texas says that it’s the state’s job to encourage producing children, and since you can’t make babies in gay marriages (never mind surrogacy, adoption, IV fertilization if one of the couple is female, etc.) then Texas shouldn’t be OK with gay marriage.
Specifically, Abbott’s opinion can be found in the state’s appeal of a ruling that Texas’ gay marriage ban is unconstitutional.
“Abbott argues in a brief to the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in New Orleans that Texas can ban same-sex marriage based on the state’s interest in procreation.”
I’m sure the 5th Circuit will give this stunningly logical opinion all the weight it deserves.
Meanwhile, for the OP: not to Junior Mod, but if you are going to do a Pitting, you might be more effective if you consider adhering to the following procedure:
- Clearly expressed premise
- Link to a primary source
- Don’t call it ‘porking’ just because of some cutesy tie-in to one’s screen name; in fact don’t call it ‘porking’ for any reason
- ??
- Profit!
They asked the “why”. You showed them the “how”.
I think people who haven’t been here long underestimate how click-phobic this place is. It’s a thing elsewhere online to just embed information in a link.
Sorry, Porky, but that don’t fly on this board.
I think porking is illegal in Texas. No?
Porking is ok around here. With or without pigs.
Being gay married isn’t, apparently.
I would be curious to hear the Attorney General of Texas, Greg Abbott, explain all the many ways Texas encourages procreation. I’m guessing there’s just one way, really. Well, two, now.
Well, of course Texans are pro-Creation, only a bunch of atheist Commie assholes are anti-Creation!
What’s his position on geriatric marriage, and how does it incorporate this view of the state’s interests?
I’m sorry. I incorrectly assumed you could read the link.
This, as they say, will not end well.
You are not supposed to make the people you are trying to draw into the thread do all the work. If you care enough to post, you have to add a little something that makes them want to respond.
I did read the link. It said Opinion: Texas' ludicrous legal procreation argument against gay marriage. Didn’t help much.
Why do you want to pork the Attorney General of Texas?
Well, it does tell you it is an opinion piece, and as we all know, opinions are like assholes.*
*except for mine, which are golden and smell of fresh flowers and clean linen
Plural? You have more than one?
He’s an Odd one, you know.