Let's see if we, as Dopers and writers, can make this work (and make sense).

Stop and read this first. Do NOT reply to this thread like it’s a normal thread. Do not talk in this thread, please or even reply to it at all if you’re not going to follow it (and the rules of it).

While I can’t force anyone to follow the rules, I would hope members would have courtesy not to ruin it. :stuck_out_tongue: On here I’m rarely disappointed and I have faith in the members here. :slight_smile:

This is the Choose Your Own Adventure Story. You read it by following the directions at the end of each post.

Unfortunalty, right now, it’s a work in progress.

We, in MAKING it, need to figure out how to make it so it makes sense…and is complete.

The goal of this thread is to have it (eventually) end and be complete while still making sense. Yes, that will be very tricky, but if anyone can do it…Dopers can.

It MAY (is allowed to) have endings here and there (like your typical choose your own adventure books)…however, please don’t be a partypooper or spoil sport by having it end EVERYWHERE. :stuck_out_tongue:

So yes…this thread will require your utmost attention and concentration. It will also require your creativity, cleverness, and intelligence to fit it all together. While it will be easy to write a part and then give a choice of other reply numbers (in here) to go to, one has to watch for when the reply number of theirs is up so that they may write that part (obviously). And then we have the people who are to reply right after me (2nd and 3rd and 4th and etc); they have to make up parts they think would come later on or somewhere in the story, picking up on parts and choices they THINK others will give later (or somewhere) on in the story. And of course EVERYONE has to work together to make it all fit.

You may make the story go anywhere you like, just as long it has the same main character (Jim)…however the story line may have anything in it you can think of. It’s fiction, so feel free to have use your imagination.

Anyway…if it hurts your head too much to think about or do, don’t do it. :stuck_out_tongue: If you feel you’re up to the task and want to flex those creative writing skills, I’d love help. :slight_smile:
This may rise or it may fail…but let’s try it out to see how it works, shall we?

Once upon a time…there was a boy named Jim who loved looking for adventure. Unfortunatly, he lived in the most boring town ever. At age 12, however, he knew that not all of the world was like his small town of 500 people (appropriately named Dullsville). He knew that a great many adventures abounded in this life…it was just up to him to seek them out.

And so this is how he found himself one morning (after getting up, promptly eating his Cheerios, bidding his mother farewell and that he’d be home in time for supper) walking down the street with his head held high on the look out for any adventure he could find.

Kicking a stone along as he walked, he eventually came up to the old Parker place.

Ahhh yes…the Parker place. House of legend amongst the under 14 crowd of school kids who build upon the rumors that encompassed it. Long ago deserted, it was THE creepy house on the block. Many said it was haunted. Of course, again, all who said this was no older than 13 or so, but it still held sway over many people. Jim knew (or at least heard) of a boy once being dared to touch the steps of it, but he never heard what became of the boy.

Slowly, while looking up at the big house with the boarded up windows and the rickety steps, a smile grew on his face. Imagine how his friends would think of him if he told him he actually went INSIDE?

But as Jim thought this, he looked farther down the street. He remembered this was also the day that the new store was opening up. He could even see it’s banner from here: “Magic Potions and Spells Deluxe!” it read in big, red letters. Maybe he should go check that out. No telling what could be in there!

If you decide Jim should explore the inside of the Parker place, go to post 12 of this topic.

If you decide Jim should check out the new store, go to post 18 of this topic.

Jim decided to go into the Parker house, but he figured it wouldn’t hurt to get some fortification at the Magic Potions Emporium. Unfortunately, Jim didn’t have any money.

How could he buy some magic?

Jim had heard the nice man driving around in the 1974 Mustang sometimes paid boys to take a ride with him, but Jim didn’t trust Fords - his father told him they were an inferior automobile and prone to breaking down. It wouldn’t do to be stuck out on one of those country roads.

Jim saw an empty Coke can on the curb and realized he could collect them and then go down the street and get paid for recycling.

Jim picked up the Coke can and was about to walk a little further to see if he could find more, but when he picked up the can, he noticed there was something stuffed into the empty can!

It was a piece of paper…and carefully, stuck a stick inside the can and was able to pull out a rolled up piece of paper.

He unrolled the paper and read it.

“Gibt es hier eine Geschwindigkeitsbegrenzung?”

Jim carefully counted the steps as he climbed the master staircase. The sour face of Prucilla Parker glowered at him as he came to a stop on the 13th step. He studied her painting for awhile before noticing what appeared to be numbers hidden in the lines on her face, 732. He made a mental note of that before kneeling down and examining the 14th step.

To his surprise he found that when he pulled on it the whole step raised up revealing a dark room hidden under the stairs. “Jiminy Cricket!” he exclaimed quietly. It would be a tight fit but he thought he could make it.

Suddenly the creaking sound he had heard earlier returned. It seemed to be coming from the kitchen downstairs and on the move. He could feel his heart thumping in his chest as he wondered what to do.

If you decide Jim should try to find the source of the creaking, go to post 25 of this topic.

If you decide Jim should squeeze into the secret room, go to post 14 of this topic.

If you decide Jim should head upstairs and away from the creaking, go to the next post.

Jim raced up the stairs away from the mystery creaking, hopping over the 14th step that lead into the unknown and to the top of the bannister. Huffing and puffing, he looked back but couldn’t see anything in the murky blackness.
Turning around and looking down the hallway, he noticed at the end, 2 wooden doors with strange symbols on them.

Approaching the first, he put his ear to it and could hear a faint grinding sound on other side, like something metal pushing against another metal object. Taking his ear away and looking at the other door, he could see a thin veil of smoke coming from under the jam.
Stepping back, he looked back and forth between the two doors. Which should he explore first?

If you think Jim should explore the one with the noise, go to post 8 of this thread.

If you think Jim should explore the one with the smoke coming from under it, go to post 21 of this thread

Taking the red potion for now and ignoring the blue one, he threw back his head and drank it down.

Putting the vial down, he felt a rumbling in his stomach for a minute like a burp was building up…and then…nothing.

“HEY…I want my money back…it didn’t do anything!” He said to the owner, Mr Myglipik.

Mr Myglipik smiled. “Sorry kid, no refunds.”

“What a crock of POOP!” Jim started walking toward the door. “This whole shop is a sham”

Exiting out into the bright sunlight, he thought back to the Parker place and knew he still had time to explore it after all.

Go to Post 2 of this topic to go back and enter the Parker place.

o_0 @ DMark

Slowly Jim’s senses returned to him although he still couldn’t see anything. It was pitch black.

He stood up and slowly moved forward feeling for a wall or anything. His hand eventually came up against a smooth stone wall. He tried to follow it to a way out but it only led him in a circle. With a growing sense of horror Jim realized he was trapped in a deep dry well. Frantically he felt high and low but found nothing.

Shortly after that a bright light appeared above him and blinded him. Jim’s skin crawled as the face of old Peter Parker materialized out of the glare. He had an evil sneer to his face.

“Starvin’s an awful way to die lad. I know.” croaked Mr. Parker who gave one last look before turning and walking away. “Or maybe, the rats’ll get ya first.”

Jim’s mind raced in panic. He threw himself against the wall clawing to get out but he found no fingers holds. Jim collapsed against the floor sobbing.


generic loser ending #1 Ooh, plus I got to write a “Nooooo! ending.”

Deciding to explore the cabin first, Jim approached it from the west side. Around him the woods chirped and sqeeked and rumbled noisily with the sounds of many animals who abided there.

On his left, the shed that he decided he’d explore later creaked in the wind. This gave Jim a little start, but he quickly composed himself and walked closer to the cabin. He knew that if the witch inside caught him, she might turn him into a toad or something, but he wanted to look into a window far too badly to worry about things like that. Besides, he told himself trying to comfort at the same time, it was only a RUMOR she was a witch. Maybe she was just a nice old woman who just didn’t get to meet anyone and was lonely.
He reached the back of the west side and hunched under the window. Rising up slowly, he peered into the soot covered panes and could see…
…nothing. Well, it was too grimy and dirty to see into. In order to see better he either needed to clean the panes or open the window a smidge.

Looking around, he saw a peice of torn cloth perched atop a rake. He could reach that if he stood on his tiptoes…but…well, watching it for a second, he could have sworn he just saw it move a bit. What exactly was under it?

Maybe he just should hope the window was well oiled and open it up a bit instead.

If you think he should pick up the rag and use it to clean the panes, go to post 11 of this topic.

If you think he should try opening the window a bit, go to post 16 of this topic.

Jim put his hand on the doorknob and took and steadying breath. The handle turned noiselessly. He slowly pushed on the door and found it moved easily as if it had been recently oiled. He peered around the door and saw a dark empty room. The grinding sound was coming from a fireplace at the far end of the room.

Jim stepped inside and closed the door behind him. He eased over to the fireplace and saw a pile of cold ashes gathered around a dusty old iron pot. He fought down the urge to run as he remembered the stories his Uncle Mac had told him. How old Prucilla had become obsessed with the occult after her husband had died and her son Peter was lost in the war. Shortly afterwards a few kids went missing, Mac had sworn he had known them well. His uncle had refused to tell him exactly what he thought she had done to them but he did hint tongues were often used in making potions to talk with the dead.

An insistent screech jarred Jim back to the present. The grinding noise was coming from inside the fireplace. He bent down to peer inside and saw a metal ladder leading up the chimney. It didn’t look to sturdy, in fact the grinding was coming from it slowly rocked in the wind.

If you think he should climb the ladder, go to post 24 of this topic.

If you think he try the room across the hall, go to post 21 of this topic.

Jim took a split second to think about it and then finally dodged left. Unfortunatly that put him directly in the path of the dust pan Mr Myglipik was holding. He stared up at the approaching dust pan as it loomed over him like a huge, flat plain. He knew it was just because of his size; that being only one inch tall made everything look bigger to oneself, but the pan still looked like 1,000 miles wide.

Turning the other way, he saw the broom coming the other way to sweep him up and right above him the evil, smiling face of Mr. Myglipik as he swept the floor.

Jim knew now that he shouldn’t have drank either of the potions, but especially not that vile blue one. Just look at the predictament he was in now!

The broom pushed against his back and threw him forcefully into the dust pan. He then felt himself being lifted up into the air and had the ride and view of his lifetime as the world when spinning by.

Then he, nay the whole pan, was being tilted upwards to be deposited into the the dumpster below. Jim found a jagged edge on the dust pan to hold onto, but didn’t know if he should hold on and ride it out or fall into the dumpster and hope for a means of escape that way. Out of the corner of his eye he saw on a shelf the words on a bottle reading “Regrowth serum”. He knew he had to get to that somehow…but as of right now, should he hold on or make himself fall? He took a second to consider his options.

If you think he should hold on to the dust pan and see what happens, go to post 10 of this topic.

If you think he should allow himself to fall into the dumpster, go to post 15 of this topic.

Jim held on tight to the jagged edge of the metal dustpan; the garbage can Mr. Myglipik was trying to dump him into looked to be as tall as a skyscraper; he knew that if he was thrown in there he’d have no chance of escape. If he could just hold on to the dustpan long enough he might get to that regrowth potion…

Far above him, Mr. Myglipik’s huge face scowled down at him. The dustpan shook violently as Mr. Myglipik tried to flick Jim to his doom, but Jim held on for dear life.

“So!” boomed Mr. Myglipik; “You don’t want to be thrown away, do you? Perhaps you’re right – if I just threw you away, you might still escape, and I can’t let that happen. No, I think I need a more permanent solution to this problem!”

Mr. Myglipik threw back his head and let out a deafening laugh. Tears started trickling down Jim’s face; how had this happened to him?

Gently, Mr. Myglipik plucked Jim’s dangling body from the dustpan. Jim struggled violently to get free, but to no avail. This wasn’t going to be good.

“Still, still, my dear boy,” said the giant Mr. Myglipik; “it’ll all be over soon.” Jim looked around him and saw that they had walked into a kitchen; he supposed Mr. Myglipik’s house was at the back of the store.

“What are you going to do to me?” Jim screamed, but he didn’t think Mr. Myglipik heard him.

Mr. Myglipik headed towards the kitchen sink. “Yes, yes…it’ll all be over soon…”

With mounting horror, Jim looked down and saw his own approaching death: the garbage disposal.

“NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!” screamed Jim, even as Mr. Myglipik dropped him into the sink. Jim tried desparately to hold onto the plastic flaps above the disposal, but with a flick of his thumb, Mr. Myglipik pushed him completely in.

It was dark in there, and cold. He had fallen on metal…sharp metal. He felt blindly around the walls of his prison, but quickly withdrew his hand as he touched a razor-sharp blade. His heart was pounding, and even though his stomach was empty, he threw up a feverish mouthful of bile. He looked up to see if there was any way he could climb out, but it was impossible – the plastic flaps were far over his head, and there was no way he could climb those blade-filled walls.

Noise overhead; Jim swallowed his heart – I’m dead, I’m dead, I’m dead!!! Then a stream of cold water from overhead brought him back to his senses – Mr. Myglipik had turned on the faucet to help flush Jim’s remains down the drain.

The drain! The only possible escape route…and there wasn’t much time.

Frantically Jim searched the floor until he found a tiny pipe – he could just fit into it. But should he? Wet, depressed, one-inch tall, covered in bile, Jim was almost willing to accept being hacked to bits.

If you think Jim should just give up and die, go to post 13 of this topic.

If you think Jim should slide down the drain, go to post 22 of this topic.

Jim reached up and grabbed the musty rag off the rake regardless of it moving and took it down. His eyes moved to the spot where it was to see what was making it moved and recoiled at the large, hairy spider that dropped down from the top of the rake and landed on his head.

“AHHHHHHH!” he screamed jumping backwards and flailing his arms about his forehead trying to knock it off, not caring anymore about stealth or if the witch lady heard him inside the house.

It was too late though. He felt the spider’s cold, sharp fangs bite into his skull and immediatly felt drowsy. His vision began to blur. The fat spider dropped off of his head and for the first time, Jim noticed it was one weird looking spider. Like something out of a comic book, it had long, candy cane striped legs and was plaid with reds and greens on it’s back. Right before he passed out he heard the cackle of an old hag’s voice and the soft mutter “That’s right baby, you did good, now he’s our prisoner.”

He woke to a dark room. Opening his eyes, he found himself in the middle of a shabby living room. From the window on the west side of the room, he knew at once he was inside the cabin. He also realized at once he was tied to a chair.

Trying to move his hands, he took in the room about him. No sign of the old lady witch (who, by now, really did seem to be an evil witch to Jim, otherwise why would she be doing this?). There was a old, dust covered fireplace and a small round table. Nothing else was in the room, which confused Jim since he didn’t see how the lady could live comfortably.
That’s cuz she’s a witch, idiot, he scolded himself in his head, witches don’t need anything to live comfortably…cept maybe some bats and cauldrons. Jim didn’t exactly know what a cauldron was, but he once heard one of the older kids mention it when talking about the witch so he figured one was around somewhere. Oh, and a broomstick, he thought, can’t forget those.

He struggled against the ropes binding his hands together and they loosened a bit. Working his hands back and forth and resisting the urge to give up and cry, he slowly loosened the ropes until he was able to get his hands free and then started on the ropes binding his legs to the chair.

When was free, he stood up and almost fainted again. He didn’t know what kind of pet spider that was, and he wasn’t too keen on finding out or having a second meeting. Rushing to the door on the north side, he tried it but it was locked.

He looked at the other door on the south side but figured that it just led deeper into the house, something else he wasn’t keen on doing either…however there may be a back way out.

He COULD just break the window, he thought, and escape that way. He looked out it but it was still just as grimy as when he was trying to see in.
Looking around the room for something to bust the window out, all there was was a fireplace poker hanging from one side of the mantle. He knew he could grap that and use it to break the window, but he didn’t want to attract any attention to the witch, wherever she was right now (probably looking up a recipe for kid stew., he thought as a shiver went down his spine).

Should Jim try the south door to find a back way out? If so, go to Post number 33 in this topic.

Or should he try breaking the window and seeing if he can get out it in time despite the noise it will make? Go to post 37 in this topic.

Deciding to get things over with quickly Jim sprinted up the stone steps and onto the patio. The dirty windows tried their best to reflect the last rays of sunlight but failed and gave up. He turned west and gave moments thought of returning tomorrow before chiding himself “Jimmie boy, this is your moment. No time like the present.”

He opened the door and stepped inside. The house smelled like mold but that wasn’t a deterrent for him. As he shut the door it made an odd click. He tried to open it again but couldn’t get it to budge. He was just about to throw himself into the door when he heard a rustling coming from one of the rooms off the main hall.

Fearing he might not be alone he hurried over the room and peared in. He thought he saw a candy cane by an old desk but when he looked again it was gone.

Puzzled he went over to the desk and found a half written letter on the desk. He bent down to read it.


I need you to place the supplies under the 14th step for baby. She’s nesting and shouldn’t be disturbed all night.

I’ve gone to discuss something with Mr. Myglipik about the …"

And right there it stopped. Something didn’t feel right. Jim stepped back into the entryway and saw a staircase heading upstairs.

If you think Jim should see about the 14th step, go to post 3 of this topic.

If you think Jim should see if he can knock open the front door, go to post 6 of this topic.

Jim decided to accept his death. He said a quick prayer and tried to picture his mother, then leaned back to meet his fate.

All of a sudden, the disposal sprang to life; even though he’d told himself to be calm, Jim screamed out violently with all his might. The ground he was standing on started spinning around trying to push him towards the razor sharp walls that would tear him to pieces. Survival instinct kicked in, and in spite of himself Jim tried to stay in the middle of the disposal away from the sharp blades. Maybe he would see this thing through after all…

But it was too much for him…the floor spun faster and faster, and after only a few seconds Jim was flung towards the wall. Incredible pain shot through Jim’s arm – it was instantly broken and torn to shreds; he had never felt anything like it in his life; he was on the verge of passing out. But…somehow he was alive! Through the pain Jim became aware that the former roaring noise of the disposal had been reduced to a steady whine. He had seen this before, when his mom had dropped a chicken bone down the disposal – the machine had jammed! But it wasn’t a chicken bone this time…it was his OWN ARM.

The water that had been pouring down continuously from overhead stopped, and suddenly the whine of the disposal stopped as well – some of the pain in Jim’s arm lessened, though it was still caught in the machine. Suddenly, a huge metal knife poked down into the disposal, and rooted around, as if looking for something. Above him, Jim heard Mr. Myglipik’s voice: “You still down there, kid? Huh?” Jim stayed as quiet as he could, though he wanted to scream from pain.

Far off in the distance, Jim heard a bell ring – the doorbell for the store at the front of the house. “Eh, fuckin’ customers…” muttered Mr. Myglipik. The knife stopped poking around in the disposal, and lay there, still. If he could get to it, maybe he could climb up it and get out of the disposal. But his arm was still stuck in the disposal…but barely. Jim knew he didn’t have much time before Mr. Myglipik came back; what should he do?

If you think Jim should use his pocketknife to amputate his arm, go to post 29 of this thread.

If you think he should take his time trying to untangle his arm, go to post 27 of this thread.

Jim felt he was onto some sort of mystery. If he could solve it he might even get in the papers. Maybe even a headline! Those "supplies might be the key so he laid down on his stomach and slipped under the 14th stair. He very quickly regretted it as the floor he had expected wasn’t there. The step closed behind him.

Jim let out a yelp as he plummeted about 7 feet down and into a soft pile of hay. He heard the very distinct sound of footsteps approaching and without thinking rolled himself into the hay. He heard the footsteps climb the stairs and open the stair. A beam of light from a flashlight began darting about the room.

Ignoring the crawling sensation from the straw on his leg he managed to take a quick survey of the room. There was a door at the far side and several open boxes were near it.

The moments ticked by and finally whoever was wielding the flashlight gave a grunt of disapproval and left. Jim waited till the footsteps faded before climbing out of the hay. He hurried over to the boxes and pulled out his trusty penlight. To his great surprise he found raw meat. “No surprises here!” he thought.

Jim moved over to the door and opened it and found that it led outside again. To the left there was a path that led to an old shed. But there was a main path led straight ahead to an old cabin nestled against the woods behind the house.

If you think he should investigate the shed, go to post 44 of this topic.

If you think he should investigate the cabin, go to post 7 of this topic

Jim decided he’d let himself fall into the dumpster despite how dirty and ugly it looked (not to mention what sort of creatures could be lurking it) and try to find a way out of it and to the Regrowth Serum from there.

Letting go of the edge of the dust pan, he slid down a rut and soon he was falling through open space to the trash pile below.

Hitting a soft bag, he got up and took in his surroundings. The garbage bin was just that. It wasn’t a dumpster at all, but just had looked that big compared to his small size. It was actually just a normal garbage can, and a full one at that. He could see the edge of the can only about 3 inches above him…if he could just jump a bit…

He heard the footsteps of that evil Mr. Myglipik and thought back to when he found himself shrinking after taking the blue potion. Mr. Myglipik just stood there with a smile on his face as he watched Jim shrink. Why, he must have KNOWN it would do that.

Jim didn’t know why the shop owner (who looked a little like his own grampa cept Mr. Myglipik didn’t have hair growing out of his ears, which Jim was a little glad for since his grampa looked scary that way) was being this mean, but he guessed that most people didn’t need a reason to be evil at all; that they just were. His mom always told him that not everyone in the world could be like him and his family and that’s why there was Die verse city, she said.

Well, Mr Myglipik being die verse city wasn’t benifiting Jim any right now, he thought as he got up and moved towards the edge of the garbage can. He could see the Regrowth Serum on the shelf above him and lo and behold! The broom that the evil die verse shop owner used to sweep him up with leaning against it. He knew from gym class that he’d have no problem shimmying up that pole to the level the serum was on.
Right before he got over to the edge, he tripped over a peice of crumpled up paper. He saw the words Parker on it and it stoked his curiousity. Moving a Coke can out of the way to reveal the rest of the note, he read on.

Mr. Myglipik:

I hope you’ll have WHAT WE TALKED ABOUT on the 15th. I will be by to pick it up.
The townspeople won’t know what hit them if we are successful and all pans out like it should.

Please have it ready for me.

The note was signed Prucilla Parker.
Prucilla Parker? But that was impossible, Jim thought. The old house was supposed to be empty. And Miss Parker, if still alive would be,…well…OLD. At least 80 or 90 by now.
And what was she doing and talking about with Mr. Myglipik? The store and just opened today. How could she have already talked to him and ordered something.
Jim shook his head and thought he better just work on getting out of here and getting to the serum. He made his way to the edge and peeked over the edge. It wasn’t that far down to the ground, but then again, he was only inches tall so it was like the Grand Canyon to him.

He lowered one leg and then the other and jumped back.

Landing on the ground, he fell back onto his butt but got up quickly and ran towards the broom handle. No sign of the shop owner.

As he gripped the handle of the broom, his eyes spied another way to get up to the level the serum was on (which was about the 5th, about 5 feet off the ground). There was a string attached to a spool of thread that was hanging down from the 5th level. Jim knew he was faster at rope climing than pole climing…but that spool of thread was also perched dangerously close to the edge. He didn’t know if he wanted to test his weight on it. Still, it’d be way faster.

Should Jim use the spool of thread to get up to the serum? Go to post 50 of this topic.

Should Jim shimmy up the broom handle? Go to post 23 of this topic.

[From post 7]

Jim ignored the rag - being afraid of spiders, he didn’t really want to disturb whatever was under there. Fortunately, the window was slightly ajar, so he gave it a gentle tug outwards. It wouldn’t budge - the hinges were dry and rusted. Jim decided he needed some lubrication, or else he’d have to resort to the rag.

If Jim has drunk the red potion, go to post 28 of this topic.

If Jim has drunk both the red and blue potions, go to post 11 of this topic.

If Jim has some Regrowth Serum, go to post 17 of this topic.

[From post 16]

Jim got the bottle of Regrowth Serum out of his pocket and uncorked it. “It’s not much use to me now,” he said, “so I may as well use it to try to loosen up this hinge.” So saying, he poured a generous quantity down the side of the window.

Amazingly, the application of the fluid enabled Jim to open the window easily. Peering in, he could discern a bed on the far side of the room, but it was too dark to tell whether or not it was occupied.

Jim decided to investigate further, but as he tried to climb on to the window sill, he felt something tighten round his ankle. Looking down, he saw his leg entangled in some rapidly growing ivy. “Shit!” he exclaimed, “That Regrowth Serum must have set it off!”

If Jim has drunk the red potion, go to post 42 of this topic.

If Jim has drunk both the red and blue potions, go to post 11 of this topic.

Jim decided to save the Parker House for later and to go visit the new store.

He walked down the street a bit and entered the little shop. Overhead, a bell rang out as the door hit against it.

The shop was small, but seemed to have a LOT of cool things around. There was a human skull on one shelf and on another a magician’s hat. Various knicknacks filled the shelves and display cases.

The shop owner (Jim assumed) was setting a black box on a top shelf and looked over at Jim as he entered. He was tall, had a top hat and cape on…and a twisty musache that he heard his mom call “handlebar musaches”. Jim didn’t know what handlebars had to do with anything but owning a bike, but if anyone had a kind of mustache like that, this guy did.
“Ahh, welcome.” The shop owner said, delighted. “A customer. How are you, young man?”
“Fine.” Jim said, tranfixed with some of the things on the shelves. There was something that looked like a live hand on one of them.
The shop owner smiled. “Just imported from Tanzinia.” He walked behind the counter. “Well, my boy…I am Mr My glip eck.” He pointed to a sign that said “Myglipik’s Magic” and the strangest spelling of a name Jim had ever seen.

“I’m Jim. Just bored today and thought I’d see what you had…Ohhh what are those?” He pointed to a table where two colorful liquids in bottles were bubbling, one red and one blue.
“Ahh, that, my boy, is something special. Secret potions, just unpacked. I don’t exactly know what they do…” He said with a slight smile and dancing eyes that told Jim he JUST might exactly know what they did but he wasn’t telling. “…but for a small fee, I let the customer try some.”
“Ooooh…” Nothing spelled adventure like mystery potions, he thought. “How much?”

“For you, two bits.”

Jim looked at him confused.

He chuckled. “That would be 25 cents.”

Jim dug into his pocket and found a quarter he was given for the gumball machine the other day. “Here you go.”

Mr Myglipik took the coin, waved a hand over it and made it vanish into thin air. Jim would have been impressed had not his attention gone back to the two potions that were now smoking.

If you think Jim should drink some of the Red Potion, go to post 5 of this topic.

If you think Jim should drink some of the Blue Potion, go to post 26 of this topic.

Jim laid down on his stomach and slowly began to move down the sloped roof. Slowly he came upon the hole in the roof with the faint light shining down. As he peered into the hole his eyes widened in shock.

There stood Prucilla Parker, bent and crooked, her bony finger pointed at her sheepish son Peter. “But Peter was supposed to have died in the war!” Jim thought. He listened carefully.

“There’s someone here in this house. How could you let this happen!” Prucilla was saying. “You find him and deal with him or so help me you find yourself in the hole.” With that she sat back in her chair and reached down to pet the most bizarre spider Jim had ever seen.

She spoke again but this time with a voice that was sickly sweet. “I didn’t hike across the wilds of Borneo for nothing my boy. Those potions I gave you to keep your body are nothing compared to what I’ve got in mind now. That fool Myglipik has no idea what I have planned.” she finished idly.

With that she sat forward and spoke forcefully “Now find that boy and deal with him. After that I want you to go see Mr Myglipik, see?”

At that point Jim felt the roof bend ever so slightly. “I think I better get back to the chimney” he thought, “or maybe I can solve this whole thing right now?”

If you think Jim should returned to the chimney, go to post 40 now

If you think Jim should stay to hear what Prucilla says, go to post 6 now

[From post 44]

Immediately the shed explodes, with a silent bang and a flash of purple light and green sparks. As Jim is hurled through the air to his death, he wishes that he had gone bowling that afternoon instead.