Stop and read this first. Do NOT reply to this thread like it’s a normal thread. Do not talk in this thread, please or even reply to it at all if you’re not going to follow it (and the rules of it).
While I can’t force anyone to follow the rules, I would hope members would have courtesy not to ruin it. On here I’m rarely disappointed and I have faith in the members here.
This is the Choose Your Own Adventure Story. You read it by following the directions at the end of each post.
Unfortunalty, right now, it’s a work in progress.
We, in MAKING it, need to figure out how to make it so it makes sense…and is complete.
The goal of this thread is to have it (eventually) end and be complete while still making sense. Yes, that will be very tricky, but if anyone can do it…Dopers can.
It MAY (is allowed to) have endings here and there (like your typical choose your own adventure books)…however, please don’t be a partypooper or spoil sport by having it end EVERYWHERE.
So yes…this thread will require your utmost attention and concentration. It will also require your creativity, cleverness, and intelligence to fit it all together. While it will be easy to write a part and then give a choice of other reply numbers (in here) to go to, one has to watch for when the reply number of theirs is up so that they may write that part (obviously). And then we have the people who are to reply right after me (2nd and 3rd and 4th and etc); they have to make up parts they think would come later on or somewhere in the story, picking up on parts and choices they THINK others will give later (or somewhere) on in the story. And of course EVERYONE has to work together to make it all fit.
You may make the story go anywhere you like, just as long it has the same main character (Jim)…however the story line may have anything in it you can think of. It’s fiction, so feel free to have use your imagination.
Anyway…if it hurts your head too much to think about or do, don’t do it. If you feel you’re up to the task and want to flex those creative writing skills, I’d love help.
This may rise or it may fail…but let’s try it out to see how it works, shall we?
Once upon a time…there was a boy named Jim who loved looking for adventure. Unfortunatly, he lived in the most boring town ever. At age 12, however, he knew that not all of the world was like his small town of 500 people (appropriately named Dullsville). He knew that a great many adventures abounded in this life…it was just up to him to seek them out.
And so this is how he found himself one morning (after getting up, promptly eating his Cheerios, bidding his mother farewell and that he’d be home in time for supper) walking down the street with his head held high on the look out for any adventure he could find.
Kicking a stone along as he walked, he eventually came up to the old Parker place.
Ahhh yes…the Parker place. House of legend amongst the under 14 crowd of school kids who build upon the rumors that encompassed it. Long ago deserted, it was THE creepy house on the block. Many said it was haunted. Of course, again, all who said this was no older than 13 or so, but it still held sway over many people. Jim knew (or at least heard) of a boy once being dared to touch the steps of it, but he never heard what became of the boy.
Slowly, while looking up at the big house with the boarded up windows and the rickety steps, a smile grew on his face. Imagine how his friends would think of him if he told him he actually went INSIDE?
But as Jim thought this, he looked farther down the street. He remembered this was also the day that the new store was opening up. He could even see it’s banner from here: “Magic Potions and Spells Deluxe!” it read in big, red letters. Maybe he should go check that out. No telling what could be in there!
If you decide Jim should explore the inside of the Parker place, go to post 12 of this topic.
If you decide Jim should check out the new store, go to post 18 of this topic.