Let's suggest zinger lines Harris could use in her campaign and debate

I suppose “snarky” doesn’t play well in front of a judge.

I spent much of my life convicting people of felonies and sending them away to prison, now I’m up here debating one. Since you’ve been convicted, all that is left to debate is your sentencing and how that disqualifies you from even being a canidate. Loser.

You know the magatflatearthers are already using their birther nonsense against her, right? Over on X, someone said this is the sequel to birtherism. I responded that it’s not a sequel, but rather a spin-off. the original birtherism bullshit is still going strong with said magatflatearthers.

That’s all preaching to the choir. Dems should ignore it. Those mental cases won’t be convinced no matter what. Spend no energy on them.

Oh, sure. No brown person is a True American, whatever the nonsense argument they may wrap around it.

(Obligatory: “What do you mean ‘true American,’ kemosabe?”)

If the media itself were more media literate, she could use “America’s Hitler, like J.D. Vance said”, carefully attributing it every time. But while the GQP would certainly chop off the last part and say “They just called my dear leader Hitler!”, the media would also report it as such, or at least focus on the controversy and gloss over the original attribution.

I still wonder if she should try it once in person, though, just to see if it will cause him to melt down.

One way in which it is more likely to help Harris, though, is if the far right owns the epithet like they did with “deplorables”, diapers, and the ear wound. I don’t think shirts proudly proclaiming “I’m voting for America’s Hitler!” would persuade many people to make it to the polls. It’s not a sure thing that trying to pull an uno reverse card and failing will happen, but it’s more likely than trump losing it or the media correctly reporting it.

“HELL-OOOO GRANDPA!” :partying_face:

Let’s suggest zinger lines Harris could use in her campaign and debate

Lend me your ear

“Okay boomer.” (with an eye-roll)
In response to just about everything he spouts.

“What’s that tiny Bandaid on your ear…? Did you nick yourself raving…?”


You know, Felon34, you’re not going to win the presidency now… you’re going to serve time for your felonies… and you’re going to pay every penny of the judgements, fines, and past due taxes that you owe.

“So… how’s the ketchup…?”

“Joe Biden tested positive for COVID-19; I hear you’re positive for CONVICT-24.”

Keep it simple: “Donald Trump is a rapist and a felon”

I’m not even joking in the slightest. This should be running on every medium in all swing states multiple times a days. Route it via a PAC, but it needs to happen (maybe throw in those Trump-Epstein call logs and pics for good measure)

At the risk of stating the supremely obvious (and something that many an opinion piece covered when Biden-Harris ran in 2020), Kamala Harris must negotiate a very tricky path because she is female and Black. Women run the risk of being considered shrill or hysterical if they attempt savagery or sarcasm. And “sassy” fits all too neatly into a stereotype for Black women.

I recall watching her debate Pence in 2020 and thinking she did a great job of being strong and smart while avoiding playing into those stereotypes that might turn off undecided voters who have trouble, however subconsciously, with a woman/brown person in charge.

“Bitch? You imply I am a bitch? Well, I am a bitch - the bitch of your fucking nightmares! And when this is over you’re gonna be MY bitch!!”

Good grief, I hope she doesn’t agree to debate him. There’s no winning a debate against trump. He doesn’t debate. He rants lies nonstop, and he gets the biggest audience he’s ever going to get hearing him in his nonstop lying rants.

How about just leave it at: “A couple of months ago you said that a candidate for President was old, showing cognitive decline, and might not be able to complete a 2nd term.” Then stop and smile and wait for the laughter.

No need for insults or name-calling. Just keep to the hideous facts.

How about "Who is the old man now, motherfuckers! "

It seems Trump is trying to wiggle out of the debate:

Trump began laying the groundwork this weekend to dodge or change the rules of the second debate he’s agreed to, which is set to be held Sept. 10 and broadcast on ABC. The former president has been livid after President Joe Biden ended his bid for reelection on Sunday.

< snip >

On Sunday, the former president complained that Biden had dropped out after Republicans had spent “time and money” fighting him, musing that Democrats should reimburse the party for “fraud.”

Rump is… The Fat Orange Wriggler…!

( New DC Villain )