Letters T-O-Y-O-T-A in the Toyota emblem

BTW, have you ever noticed that the Coca-Cola logo spells out the word “Coca-Cola”?

Now you’re just messing with us.

On the other hand, the Taco Bell logo obviously hides the secret message, “Chuck E Cheese is Satan’s prophet, and when the mouse tells you to burn down the local shopping mall, you will obey.”

I was working at Amazon when they debuted that logo. We received complaints from people that thought it looked like a devil tail. :smack:

The Washington State University Cougars have done a nice job with this.

Props too, to theWhale(Hartford Whalers).

Okay, you whooshed me with this one.

I had an '86 Camry that threw a rod in 2001. Good times, we had, that car and I. I popped the nameplate off the trunk and kept it for a souvenir. It sat on my kitchen windowsill for the next 7 years.

So when you said “Toyota emblem,” that’s what I thought of. And I spent a lot of time wondering what the heck I was missing. I mean, of course I could see all the letters.

The old name plate was just “TOYOTA” spelled out in block letters.

I finally clicked on your link. :smack:

When the Toyota logo was introduced, the joke around Toyota Corporate was that it was actually the new Taco Bell logo. :smiley:

In my younger days, I was **very **into astronomy (still am, I just don’t spend half the time on it that I used to.) My brother recently bought a WRX and excitedly came up to me one day, “Snicks! Did you know that my car’s logo is…”

“…the Pleiades?” I finished for him.

He was a little disappointed that I already knew. But to be fair, it’s pretty recognizable for anyone who spends even a little bit of time looking at the stars.