Okay, so Season 2 of Leverage started back. I gots me a problem.
Let’s ignore the car flip, the unreal look, the impossibility, the lack of enough speed, the whole physics. And we won’t mention the explosion (because cars don’t do that). Or at least, somebody else can worry about those things.
Here’s my problem. What happened to the end of Season 1? There’s no continuity. Now I realize 6 months have lapsed (based upon the comments in the story), but there’s still something wrong.
I think I’ve covered the required gap for mouseover.
At the end of Season 1, they broke up the team - yeah - but the reason wasn’t that they got tired of it or they wanted a break or they hated each other. The reason was that they were in trouble, they had to destroy their headquarters to keep from getting caught and were just on the verge of getting caught by some bad guys. They eeked out the guy they were after, but they weren’t out of the woods. That’s why the split up - to duck the heat, to get away.
But they were ID’d, they were known, so it wouldn’t work for them to lay low and come back 6 months later under their same identities, set up shop in the same town, etc. But that part of the plot was completely avoided by the season 2 opener. No, we get them tired of their old theif lives and needing the team to be a challenge and be worthwhile.
Oh yeah, and Nathan Ford just happened to quit being drunk and having gotten over his depression? Just like that? Isn’t that a bit of a cop out? A rip off of the emotional recovery?
Okay, so I still enjoy the show, I’m just thrown for a loop by the massive plot hole staring me in the face.