Corexit, caught in temporal vortices formed by the high shear conditions of a fine gauge needle in vaccination injection, is also responsible for autism spectrum disorders.
I have no way to evaluate the credentials of the gentleman (Bill Deagle MD AAEM) making all of these claims other than by looking at his website:
He appears to be a medical doctor who is chiefly concerned with vitamin supplements.
Actually, there appears to a second author, “Rt Hon. the Earl of Stirling”; the link you gave isn’t entirely clear though. He conveniently provides a biography on his blog:
It’s by the “Gianluigi Zangari” mentioned in the article, and it’s somewhat more circumspect in its claims. For one thing, Coreexit isn’t mentioned at all, and BP’s involvement is just suggested as a possibility.
Gianluigi Zangari appears to be a real person at least: a search for Zangari on the INFN website kicks out a few paper’s he has co-authored. All seems to be superconductivity physics though - not a lot about ocean circulation.
On the contrary, the article fails to prove the point. One need not prove a negative. Also, the political comment that Squink points out should be a clue for you.
Of course not. But he quotes very little scientific data. He cherry picked the paragraphs which sound the most alarming, leaving out paragraphs which contain hedge words like this one:
The letter by Dr Zangari is interesting. I’m sure that it might be plausible, and am very interested in hearing about future research in this area. The histrionics on the website you linked to aren’t really worth paying attention to, though.
That’s not padding, that’s making up the conclusion you want, and then throwing some sciency sounding stuff around it to suck in the credulous.
I posted links to some information on the loop current in the GD thread: Did the BP oil spill screw up the ocean conveyor belt system.
There simply has not been time to make gather enough data to draw such shocking conclusions about Corexit and the loop current. The current varies wildly over the course of months to years all by itself, and there’s no reason to believe that a little added solvent would mess with it in any significant way. When the author of this alarmist tripe comes back with 10 years of detailed corroborating data, and pie, he might be worth listening to, but certainly not before then.
“Violent mixing of the seasons, crop failures, and increased drought and floods in diverse places is now daily news since the April 20th 2010 BP Oil Volcano.”
No. At least in the sense that even a stopped-clock is right twice a day.
I’m more of a gullible sucker for the latest conspiracy theory than the average Doper, but Please find a site slightly more intelligent than this one before wasting my time.
It’s nice to know that the Gulf Stream is so fragile that it could be stopped so easily. Because that means I can now put into place my insidious plan to stop the Earth’s ocean currents unless the nations of the world pay me
[Dr Evil]
One Million Dollars!
[/Dr Evil]
Seriously, have some perspective. The Earth is what we scientists call “very very large”. The accumulated actions of human civilization could (and probably does) affect the flow of Gulf Stream and I doubt either the oil or the treatment for the oil did much good to the local aquatic fauna (hello, dead zone!) but stopping the current would take a bit more than that.
Also, I think the weather here in England might be just a teensy bit affected if such a thing had happened.
IIRC the horrors that are to result depend upon a break down of the loop current. That may have happened over the summer for some brief period of time but the last I asked someone who knows about this stuff, the loop current is now intact and has been for quite a while.
If the loop current ever breaks down in a way that indicates it could be permanent or semi-permanent - it will be big news. You won’t have to go looking for obscure articles in Italian journals that have nothing to do with climatology (Frascati National Laboratories (LNF) - National Institute of Nuclear Physics (INFN)
Frascati 00044, Via E. Fermi, 40, ITALY)
I would seriously doubt Mr Alexander’s claims to any “scots/canadian feudal titles”, since the Nickel Resolution way back in 1919 made all hereditary titles of Canadian citizens lapse with the death of the incumbent. His claims to being lord high muckety-mucks of various provinces and the dominion itself are simply laughable nonsense.
Since there’s so much egregious bullshit in his biography, how could any of his ‘research’ be credible?
Technically, there’s a small square of land in Stirling Castle(?) which is part of Nova Scotia. This so the relevant earl could be invested as a lord of Canada, since that had to happen on the earl’s domain. So we can ban hereditary titles over here, but Lizzy’s ancestors already gave away the store.