Life sucks arse sometimes!

I’m so sorry, calm kiwi. If you need to talk (or vent, or cry, or whatever) my email’s in my profile. hugs

calm kiwi, I am so sorry for your loss. I know exactly what you mean about not having a daddy anymore. I still get teary looking at the Father’s Day card displays, and my dad died in 1990 (when he was 84 and I was 32.)

My son was born in 1995, and I love telling him stories about the grandfather he never knew – especially telling him about the things he does that remind so much of my dad!

Nothing prepares us for losing a parent, even when we know it’s coming. It’s a grevious loss.

My thoughts are with you.

I’m so sorry for your loss.

Occasionally I dream about my dad, and I have conversations with him in those dreams. He’s still smart and funny.

I miss him.

Thinking of you, kiwi, and feeling so sorry for your loss.

I know how you feel, and my thoughts are with you.

I’m so sorry kiwi. I’m approaching the 6th anniversary of my dad’s death and it’s still hard some days. You never really get “over” it, but you will get through it.

For years my dad was in a slow declining state of health. Mom and I would laugh that when dad died, she and I would do certain things together (like travel) that she couldn’t do with dad there. As fate would have it, mom died first in 1999, unexpectedly.

While losing my mom was one of the worst things to ever happen to me, it gave me an opportunity to learn who my dad was… to get to know him better than I ever would have had he been the first to go.

My thoughts are with you and yours. May you have the people you love around you now to grieve the death and celebrate the life you call “daddy”.

I’m so sorry for your loss. I hope that you find peace and strength in the good memories of your father.

I’m very sorry, kiwi.

All my best thoughts to you, kiwi, and to your son. Your Dad sounds like a wonderful man.

{{{{{calm kiwi}}}}}

My family’s thoughts and prayers are with you.

I am so so sorry to hear this :frowning: I wish you comfort and peace in your memories.

calm kiwi, I’m sorry for your loss. There isn’t anything we can say to stop the pain, but we try.

Take care of yourself. Eat. Sleep. Cry.

Wow, kiwi, that’s rough. For you, for your kids…jeeze.


What the Loaded Dog says.

Calm Kiwi

I am sorry to hear of your loss. It’s never easy to lose a parent and the circumstances surrounding your own loss make it particularly horrible. I hope your dad lives on in your and your children’s memories for many years.

Best regards and sympathies.


I’m so sorry to hear of your loss. My father died at the age of 55, just as he was contemplating early retirement. My mother took it very badly because she had finally been able to plan for them to do things together once the kids were old enough to be independent.

Don’t regard using his credit card as theft, I’m sure he would want you to find comfort wherever and however you can. If that’s getting yourself back on here then surely he would think of it as money well spent.

calm kiwi,

My sincerest sympathy and condolence to you and your son.

I’m so sorry, kiwi.

I’ve been thinking about my parents’ mortality lately. They both turned 60 in the last year. It’s so hard to believe! I still picture them as they were when I was a little kid. The idea that they won’t always be there for me scares the shit out of me. I can’t even really imagine how you must be feeling but my thoughts are with you. My deepest condolences to you and to your son.

I’m so sorry, Calm Kiwi.

Damn, that’s so sudden, Calm Kiwi. So sorry t’ hear the news. I’m in the neighbourhood, so to speak, if I can be of any help. Take care, and condolences to you and your family. :frowning: