Life summons me, and I must follow.

From god to peon. Now, of course, you WILL have to graduate to justify the pain and anguish your leaving has caused us. we’re gonna miss you. Here’s hoping you discover the GUT.

Life exists. But it’s for sale.

We’re not losing a mod, we’re gaining…two mods. Yeah.
Much luck to you, Chronos. I don’t post a lot in your forum, but read voraciously. You’ve done good work. Continue to fight the good fight in the “real” world.

And, of course, we’ll leave the light on for you.

You will be missed. Your lucidity and patience were much appreciated.

Out of curiosity why all the homework? I thought you were a post-grad PHD candidate. Are you getting another degree?
Los Alamos Labs Human Resources Dept.: Um… Mr. Chronos your resume is very impressive but we’ve never had an applicant with advanced degrees in both law and physics. What do you feel a law degree brings to the study of quantum physics research.

Mr. Chronos: An excellent question! Quantum theory is so nebulous on so many levels that the entire notion of something being objectively being “true” or “false” in the quantum realm is often more of a phenomenological problem than an objective empirical determination. This offended my sense of methodological rigor so in the end I decided, “If you can’t beat 'em join 'em”.

With my legal training I am now able to argue all sides of any issue with equal vigor. This is especially useful in dealing with multi-dimensional space time problems as several answers can be equally true or false at any given time depending on your perspective.
Los Alamos Labs Human Resources Dept.: Well! Hmmm… that’s very interesting…well keep your resume on file and…
Mr. Chronos: I also do free wills, real estate closings and DWI cases as part of my job.
Los Alamos Labs Human Resources Dept.: When can you start!

Chronos - - tell that Relativity professor that you already put in 40 hours a week explaining Relativity here!

anyway - good luck - hope you’ll have time to visit now and then

I’m post-graduate (i.e., I have my bachelor’s degree. When do I get my married degree?), but I’m not yet a Master. I’m working on the Master’s en route to a Ph.D. Sometime between the More of the Same and the Post-Hole Digger, I’ll be done with coursework, and working exclusively on my thesis, but that time has not yet come. At this point, grad school looks remarkably like undergrad, just harder and with fewer classes.

And for the record, not only do I do Free Will, I also do Predetermination :wink: