Life's a beach: A vacation MMP

Because the beach bus doesn’t start running until 8am (when I have to be at work) and parking at work is nigh impossible. Yeah, yeah, I know, I’m just being cranky… but I did check the possibilities, promise!

I’m doin’ fine and youse still doin’ married, buddy! You do get bonus points for wearing a decent bathing suit, tho.

Good Mornin’ Y ‘all! Up and caffienatin’. YAWN ‘Tis 73 Amurrkin out and rainyish. The predicted high is 87 and rain. Fine by me. It’s not like I get to be outdoors or anything. There it is Butters, you’re mornin’ south Jawja weather forecast. :smiley:

I don’t like the beach anymore. I used to but since I put in the pool, I can’t see drivin’ three hours to go to the beach when I can lay around a body of water and drink beer right in my own back yahd. Plus I don’t get sand in places sand ought never to be.

Now I need more caffiene and rumbly tummy wants to be fed. Then, alas and alack, irk purtification must commence.

Happy Tuesday Y’all!


The southern Merrylande forecast: 80% chance of rain today, with a high of 81 Amurrkin.

Morning. Two nights in a row of no sleep (well, about 4 hours each). Can’t keep this up- I’m exhausted! How did we ever do it will little babies in the house???

I think everyone in the MMP needs a vacation…

Two weeks and counting down…

My most vivid memory of the beach at Catania, Sicily, involves rotund, hairy men in speedos that didn’t quite contain their buttcracks. :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: I was lucky, tho, because several of the folks on that bus trip wanted to go to a nude beach. Yeah, like I want to see rotund, hairy men *sans *speedos! :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

**Soapy **- when you’re young and stupid, you don’t need as much sleep. As you mature, you realize how young and stupid you really were. :wink:

Good morning. As **BBBobbio **has reported, it’s dreary in our county. We had rain overnight and more is promised, which is great - we need it! Today, I will put another coat of paint on FCD’s cabinets, then futz in my studio for a while. I have 3 pieces in the damp cabinet that need to be finished.

On Thursday, we’re going to clear the boat of our personal stuff and get it ready for a broker to have a look. I know **FCD **is bummed, but I ran the numbers and we can’t afford $5K+ a year *just *to keep the boat parked and maintained, let alone replace things as they age - not if we’re both retired. Plus, it used to be fun to work on the boat. Now it’s just one more chore that we avoid. Frankly, I don’t think we’ll even notice that it’s gone, once it’s gone…

Anyway, after I surf a little bit longer, I’m going to don my grubbies and slap another coat of paint on the cabinets in the workshop. Wish they were wall cabinets - crawling around on the floor is not on my list of fun things to do. But at least the first coat is dry - this second coat should go on lots faster.

Happy Tuesday, more or less…




As the Fat Man himself sang, “two out of three ain’t bad.” I guess…

Anita, that you? :stuck_out_tongue:

I never thought about it that way before…
I guess they are for human animals only! :smiley:

Work, after two weeks away.


Are dog biscuits NOT made from collie flour?

Collie flour?


BBBobbio, stay right where you are - I’m going to slap you silly for that one! :stuck_out_tongue:

I thought he already was silly?

Last Day for me. Fun while it lasted.:slight_smile:

I’ll have to hound you for that pun,ya know.

I do not have a Speedo ready body.

It’s sort of like being drunk, but not as fun, if you don’t get any sleep.

The cake I baked was butter cake with ginger and frozen raspberries. Still got three quarters of it. Snacktime!

Mawnin all
Vacation, yes please
Gotta go irk irk irk
Have a great day all

That is all


Well, at any rate the large container of animal crackers now has a new label.

StickyBuns does the new label say “NOT FOR ANIMALS ANIMAL CRACKERS”?:smiley:

Why can’t we have a big ol’ tstorm to knock out power when I want one. I wanna go home!!! WAAAAAAAAH!!!

Here endeth the whine

Painting is done - the cabinets look pretty good. And I’ve had lunch, so my tummy is happy. It’s starting to rain, and t-storms are promised. All things considered, I want a nap. I may go play in my studio for a couple of hours, tho. We shall see…

Vaguely entendre-ish thought of the day: Dammit, why does this porn I’m writing keep getting longer?!