Light bulbs

How much energy do light bulbs take to produce (both normal and energy saving)? What are the environmental consequences of disposing of both types of bulb?

Welcome to the board, great question.
I hope someone comes along that can answer it.
The overall mass/volume of waste in a Compact Florescent should be significantly less.
They have a lifespan of 6000 to 15000 hours. Incandescent are rated for 750 to 1000 hours. The cheaper ones I buy rate 6000 or 8000 hours.


In general I have seen that compact fluorescent light bulbs use 1/4 to 1/3 of the energy of a comperable incondesent light bulb.
They also generally last 5 to 10 times as long.

All true but Our guest is looking for the energy used in manufacturing. I think I answered the other question.

Most of the materials used in manufacturing a light bulb, fluorescent or incandescent, are abundant and easily-obtained. And most of the manufacturing process is automated. It is therefore reasonable to assume that most of the cost of a light bulb is a reflection of the energy needed to make it. Looking online, it appears that compact fluorescent light bulbs are about ten times the cost of comparable incandescent bulbs, so I’m going to estimate that they take about ten times the energy to make. And given the cost of running a bulb for its lifetime, I think it’s safe to say that in either case, the energy used in their manufacture is insignificant.

With the cost of advertising, packaging, inventory storage and transportation also adding a significant amount to that :wink: .