Energy saving bulbs burning out

I have gradually been replacing incadescent bulbs in my house with those compact flourescent lights. No matter which brand I use (Sylvania or GE) the packages all say they should be good for 5,000-8,000 hours.

For the most part, they aren’t lasting anywhere near that long. Some of them burn out in a matter of 3-4 months of normal use. It doesn’t matter which wattage I use, or where in the house I use them. (The incadescents continue along as they always have.)

Also, when they burn out, they put out a smell of burning oil, as when a full-size transformer blows. Am I getting unpredictable voltage surges, is there something wrong with my outlets, or are these lamps not as long-lived as they’re claimed?

This is very bad. They should last for a very long time.
I believe and I use to be a Navy Electrician that you have faulty wiring or some sort.
I would get it checked out.
I have been using these bulbs for 4 years without a single failure.


Few questions:
What brand?
Do they say UL approved?
You might be able to return them.
One more note: They contain mercury. Try to avoid just tossing them.

Great entry in Wiki on these bulbs.


I’ve used them for almost four years now without a problem. Except the one I put on my porch lamp, uncovered, which lasted about six months. I guess the weather got to it.

IANAE but i think the problem with these bulbs is that they do not perform properly if you switch them on and off often, if you turn them on/off a lot they tend not to last much longer than any normal bulbs

Not at all true unless you are flipping than on and off dozens of times a day, day after day.

Jim {ex-EM3}

Think how much energy they’re saving you when they don’t work ;).

>>‘This is very bad. They should last for a very long time.
I believe and I use to be a Navy Electrician that you have faulty wiring or some sort.’

having someone in to check this out would be a good idea. if there are only some particular outlets where this is happening, focus on those. also take note if any don’t seem to have this problem.

a few thoughts come immediately to mind if lamps are burning out. the base of the sockets (the little tab at the bottom) often become black and this is a source of a lot of problems from overheating and flaky power supply to the lamps. another is the voltage in your home, either too high or too low, and yet another is a loose neutral somewhere.

i have found these lamps to last a long time if used properly, ie, outside is not that great in coooer climes, and in tightly enclosed fixtures due to heat build-up.


Are the fixtures inverted so that the bulb “hangs down” from the socket? I have frequent burnouts in this case too, and the base of the bulbs is always brownish and brittle. The heat from the bulb seems to be rising and cooking the base. Try remounting the fixture so that the bulb points up.