Like a thief in the night......MMP

Probably. I think mine did because they applied lessons learned from dad: If there’s something you really, really don’t want to do, do it badly. Eventually, people stop asking.

Gee, I had one tooth extracted and the gums on the left side of my mouth (top and bottom) sliced open and packed with pulverized bone, and no one cut me any slack. 4 teeth removed, college age - I’m guessing wisdom teeth.

riggs thanks for the assist. If I ended up writing the OP this morning, I hope it would have sounded that good.

mika there are places to shop in Saratoge Springs? When I was there, if you couldn’t buy it in a bar, you had to go to Ballston Spa or Glens Falls (or whatever that town is called.)

or just bring chocolate sheep, or bunnies, or eggs, or hell, just bring lots of chocolate. :smiley:

Well, it appears my TDY trip to the Alexandria/Falls Church, VA area is a GO!

I’ve made my hotel reservations. Unfortunately, I don’t have any flight information yet because they won’t do my TDY orders until next month. Stupid new DTS system…

In other exciting news, well there isn’t any that I can think of at the moment. I wish I were home, that’s about it.

I seem to recall my goals for the day were working out and cleaning(something).

I did indeed workout.

I seem to have fallen from the course when it comes to the cleaning bit…
Roast beef for dinner. Yum.
Windy as all get out here. Truly March weather. It has also gotten colder as the day progressed. But the daffodills are up, the crocuses are blooming, as are the Chinodoxa (budding anyway). It’s nice to see green.

Oh my goodness yes. It’s got quite a gorgeous downtown now with lots of great stores. It’s the cool place to hang out around here for the trendy, upper-20s folks. The “kids” still go to the mall, but for everyone who has a little more, um… well… taste, Saratoga’s the place to go.

What’s wrong with that?? :confused: **KeithT **and I do that all the time. That’s what I was referring to when I said


I’m sick! I’m sure it’s somebody elses fault. Which one of you has been sneezing on your computer?

Went to the doctor this morning. Not 'cause I’m sick, which I am!, but to get the results of my blood test from last week. My good cholesterol is too low, but my other numbers are good. Higher than normal, but within acceptable ranges.

I’m sitting here trying to think of something constructive to do that doesn’t involve walking. Apparently a small piece of my cold has migrated to one or more of my ears so that my balance is kinda wonky. I’ve been listing to starboard all day. Fortunately they didn’t question me when I went into Bi-Mart to buy canned beer. Not to drink mind you, I want to make beer-butt chicken for dinner. I have good bottled beer for drinking if I’m so inclined, but I don’t think it’ll work so pretty good for beer-butt chicken.

I wonder if a nap could be considered constructive?

oh, **taxi, taxi, taxi, **, zit popping shall be your undoing, I fear :wink: :smiley:

I saw the MMP yesterday during a brief tea break and thought “Wha’???” but was too busy to reply at the time, as I was in a cleaning frenzy. Oh boy, I have all the time in the world to reply now!

As I am semi-ambulatory I have to sit in The Chair of Doom (the blasted wheel chair, I loath the thing) in order to work in the kitchen. So I scrubbed walls and cupboards and counters and windows, did a couple loads of dishes as well as folding a bunch of laundry. Today, I am paying for my spurt of industriousness. (Is that a word?) Nothing in my home is handicapped friendly, which means all that scrubbing caused me to twist and stretch and reach far beyond my limits. My joints are swollen and painful, and my back and legs are spasming. Fortunately I have an ample supply of ibuprofen and muscle relaxer, the heating pad is working it’s magic on my back, and it’s Spring Break for the young 'un’s, so I have slaves!!! <evil grin>

Anticipating that today was going to be a pain day, I had pulled out a couple of packages of moose burger from the freezer and planned a crock pot supper. I also yanked a couple packages of filled sweet bread (school fund raiser stuff) while I was in the freezer, thinking it would be a nice way to begin Monday morning with. The meat was put in the fridge to thaw, and the dough was unwrapped, put on a baking sheet, covered with plastic wrap and placed in the oven to thaw overnight. (Anything left on the counters is fair game for the cats to nosh on in the night!)

So, I get up this morning, oh so sore, and gimp my way to the bathroom for morning ablutions. Mmmmm, hurts to even raise my arms, better go out and swallow above mentioned meds. On my way to the living room I wake the kids (10:30 is late enough to sleep in!) and as I am too stiff and sore to begin the crock pot, I call upon #3 daughter (hereafter referred to as DJ) to assemble the ingredients, and get the breakfast bread on.

Now DJ is one of the most wonderful kids alive, and she is quite smart. However, she’s also a daydreamer, which inevitably invokes Carlos Mencia’s call of “Dee dee dee!” when she fails to engage brain before speaking/acting. So, the oven is preheating while I am verbally walking her through browning the meat and assembling the rest of the ingredients for supper. When the oven is preheated I tell her to switch it to bake and stick the bread in. She’s still browning the meat when the wonderful smell of bread baking begins to fill the air. Even The Boy comments on how good it smells. One loaf of raspberry filled sweet bread, one filled with cream cheese, this is gonna be good with my morning tea.

At about 15 minutes I smell burning. Since DJ tends to cook everything on high, I ask her how the meat is doing. “Fine, Mom, it’s on medium and browning nicely.” Still smelling burning…

So time comes for the breads to come out of the oven. She pulls the baking sheet out and brings the pan to me to inspect. Strangely darkened on the tops, and what’s this stringy stuff coming off the sides??? “Did you take the plastic wrap off before you put it in the oven?” The answer is the expression on her face. Cold cereal for breakfast all around.

However, the crock pot is simmering away, and the meds are doing their job. The snow has stopped, and I am looking forward to the rest of the day.

Which may be a mistake, but I today I am a cross eyed optimist!

Before I read, I wanted to post, since I don’t know if I’ll have time to read this thread today…

As I expected, today was Hellday, but not for the reasons I’d thought. There was a massive cooling fan failure that took down our servers, so the command intranet was down virtually all day. And, of course, everything I’ve been working on is on the network drive - they don’t want us to save important stuff on our own computers since it could be lost if the computer crashed. Yeah. I was able to do a little research on the nets that go outside the command, and I managed to get enough info to answer the 2 questions that were waiting for me when I arrived.

I did dig out some historic files that another analyst gave me some months ago. It was interesting, but the data was way too old to be of practical use. The articles from 1955 had nothing of value to offer. Duh.

On the upside, I left an hour earlier than I’d anticipated, so I only worked 2 hours over. And FCD had dinner started by the time I got home. And I’ve decided to take him out for dessert.

I only slept about 5 hours last night, so I’m exhausted. After we get dessert, I expect I’ll crash. Maybe I’ll have time to read the rest of the thread. Maybe not. We shall see.

Stoopit Monday.

Well…it’s (my) Monday now, so I consider it safe to post. (I refused to post to this thread yesterday because it was just too depressing to think about Monday.)

welby, you know the Philly Flower Show is one of the best in the world, right? If you don’t want to go next year, tell welbywife to call me.

ivylass, thanks for posting the link. I meant to go back to read the end of the cooking contest saga and was able to do so from the comfort of the MMP. Sounds like they did a great job. Do they want to come and visit their Aunt GT? (I’m always willing to adopt people who will cook for me…)

Is it just me or does it seem unlikely that that was actually Den Mum? I’m thinking someone forgot to log off…

Oh and Bobbio thanks so much for improving on the TMI. Don’t know why zit-popping squicks me out more than stuff popping out of animals. It just does.

Weird weather everywhere, it seems, gotti. It was quite warm here this morning (after lots of rain yesterday) and then cooled off during the day. It poured while I was on the bus on the way home and then (thank goodness since I didn’t grab the extra umbrella at work) stopped. Seems lighter out than when I got home, but there’s thunder in the distance. Definitely odd. Oh, and we’re supposed to get snow tonight.

Hmmmm…I question the authenticity of the rules cited by Shibb. What tipped me off, you ask? It was the part referring to MMP in the title. Cuz in the original rules, there is no MMP in the title; it is assumed that the MMP is authentic because it was started by Rue DeDay. Envy my highly-developed (and useful!) analytical skills.

On preview, I see FCM has been here… Sorry your day was so crappy.

I’m thinking about what to have for dinner. Someone mentioned mac & cheese upthread…that sounds kind of good, actually.

Back later.


We’re having pork shoulder steaks and mac and cheese tonight. It must be mac and cheese week here.

Still no Swampy?

Yeah, I tend to think that was Bumba that posted and not Den Mum. I have been known, however, to be wrong.

Winnie!! Glad to see you popped in. Hello and welcome back.

FCM, I’m sorry you had such a crappy day. That was nice of **FCD ** to have chop-chop waiting for you.

Speaking of chop-chop, I’m hungry, but before I can eat I must slavishly work out on the treadmill. Unfortunately, I’m still here at work, so it’s gonna be awhile before dinner. I cannot eat and then work out; I’ll puke if I do.

Ya know, Taters, I was shoveling in a nice spoonful of mac & cheese into my mouth when I got to your puke line…

Oh, and I’m thinking swampy will be here shortly as his little green light was on when I went back to look at last week’s MMP.


I made popovers to go with the roast beast. The kids love popovers (heck, I do too).

I have nothing of merit or interest to add here right now.


:smiley: Guess I’m still a kid, then, because I generally tend to go to the mall. Saratoga Springs is pricey and too often it’s overpriced crap. Sometimes you can get really great stuff there, too often it’s just not worth it.

But it is wonderful, simply wonderful to hang out in. Gorgeous.

Did I tell you about the adorable lost cat that Attacks Husband found? No owner calls yet, but I’m going to meet the kitty in an hour and a half! He’s little and gray and fuzzy with long hair and is very loving, and Attacks Husband is getting attached to him. A weird woman called to say it was her cat, and he asked what her cat looked like.

She said, “oh, well, he’s my Pookie!”

AT: "What does your ‘Pookie’ look like? Markings?

Her: 'oh, yes!".

AT: “What do your cat’s markings look like?”

Her: “oh, markings!”

AT:“How much white does your cat have in its markings?”

Her;“oh, you know, some. I heard you called the Human Society. They’re bad people, you know. I think they stole my Pookie.”

AT(sighs): “Is your cat male or female?”

Her: “oh, I think it’s a boy. I’m not sure.”


He declined to give ‘Her Pookie’ back.


I tol’ you I was sick.

Wifey (Den Mum) made me change her default browser back to IE last night on the downstairs computer, 'cause the morons at the multiple listing service aren’t smart enough to write a web page that works with other browsers.
Anyway, I’m guessing that when you log onto an XP computer, Mozilla remembers which user id and password belongs to you, whereas IE apparently does not. Or maybe I’m in idjit mode today. I blame it on Bill Gates.

Well, chickie is on the barbie, we’ll see how it goes. I’ve never done this before.

Also took a 2 hour quasi-nap. Not sure if I slept or what but I feel much better now.

I don’t know if hijacking the MMP before it’s even born is kosher or not, but Ima go along with the rest of you anyway. Maybe we can ask the rules committee when they sober up?

blast from the past time: I was in the supermarket this afternoon and the muzak was playing “Hey There, Georgie Girl”. When searching my favorite download site I also found “I’ll Never Find Another You” “Look What They’ve Done To My Song” also “Turn Down Day” and “Red Rubber Ball”
I LOVE finding old 60’s classics :smiley:

I keep hearing “Sentimental Journey” (older than '60s, isn’t it?) in a sappy version sung by a kid whose name I don’t remember in about the 8th grade. Realized yesterday that they’re playing it from time to time on one of the local public radio stations.

Bumba, 1) I’m voting for the Mozilla is smarter than IE answer, and 2) there’s a rules committee? I suppose they’re busy thinking up stuff we have to talk about this week. I thought we didn’t need no steeenkin’ rules? :smiley:

So where’s swampy?


I’ve never heard of any of those songs. (Feel old yet?) My mouth is feeling a lot better than it was earlier, although I’m still stuck on a mush diet for another day or so, and I’m still not used to having 4 fewer teeth. Ah well. C’est la vie.
Mooo. Just another day in the life of me. I think I’ll go have some chocolate pudding.