Like a thief in the night......MMP

You are only getting away with this because of the teeth extraction. :dubious:

Holy Moley, we’ve been hijack- - er, never mind. What’s to hijack? Good OP though.

So, it’s Monday, and I survived the dreaded, dreaded, awful and horrible fate I brought down upon my own lovely head. “welbywife,” said I. “Our anniversary is coming up, and I would like you to pick something that you want to do, and we’ll go do it. Because I luuuuuuuuuuurv you! And because I want to play poker all day next Saturday.” Except I left out the Saturday part, because I’m slightly smarter than I look.

“Oh my!” said she. "I want to go here. "

And it was then that I knew my fate was sealed. Five to 6 hours of tortuous flower browsing, flower buying, and flower design dreaming. Plus 3 hours of flower and garden talk on the way there. And on the way back. And the day before. And the day after. It was horrible.

And even more frightening, I see my wife in 20 years, a veritable vision of the future! She’ll be hunched over, a camera glued to her eye, mumbling things like “The dynamic design elements clash with the overall subdued tone of the arrangement.” while she shoves other flower show attendees aside to get a better look at the arrangements.

All in all, I can’t wait to play poker and leave all the flower thoughts behind.

Rule book?!? I thought the whole point of this thing was that it was a veritable free-for-all. No rules means some young upstart can come in and beat us to the punch I guess. All’s fair!

I was sick most of the weekend, which meant that I laid around and watched movies and read a lot. Oh, and slept more than usual, which is really hard to do. On the plus side, it rained all weekend, so I really didn’t miss out on much.

Maybe it was his sweet tooth that got extracted.
Seandarling --there is enough Drama in the Boy-Husband designation to fuel many MMPs–and the pay-for-porn budget buster? Oy, yeah–there’s a whole soap opera there…Lemme see if I can revamp your story from a girl type person’s perspective.

Now we have the makings of a fine family drama–feuds, decades long silences and dead-to-me proclamations.

My work here is done.

welby --now, you listen here.<wags finger in general direction>
Those flower shows are nice. There is always a section for tools of mass destruction where you can go hang out and feel manly. Sometimes it’s hard to find the flowers in the damned things–last year, the Chicago one had the most bizarre produce displays!

It was 72 hours outta yer life–and she feels great. Bet you can play poker with her blessings, now. Heck-why not play poker with her? You can even spice the pot with some strip poker (just dont’ tell us about it, please!).

I did laugh at your flower show pomposity comment–so like art galleries, no?

Sorry for double post–off to shower now, am feeling very righteous, as am just back from working out-first time in a month.

The Ivykids had a knock-down, drag-out fight this weekend.

Well, maybe more of a competition.

I transplanted an aloe plant.

Today I was surfing (an online scholastic journal database), flipping through books, tearing out my hair, wailing and gnashing teeth, and frantically trying to get my Ren Europe essay done for tomorrow, when I checked the due date on the website…

It’s due a week from tomorrow.


All I’ve got to say to this is that I can’t *believe * you were in Philly and didn’t call me! I wouldn’t have let a little thing like not knowing your phone number stop me, if the positions were reversed.

But congrats on the anniversary. How many is this?

Oh, and hello, everyone! Just when you thought you got rid of me, here I am like a bad penny.

Life has been life-like. Went to a toga party Saturday night, but didn’t bother with the toga, for which I got razzed, because everyone else did. Didn’t bother me; I wasn’t the one standing drunk in my underwear and a (slipping) sheet. :slight_smile:

Well if you’da answered the phone. . . . I could have told you it’s lucky number 7.

Elanor, sweetie, not only do they seem much more pompous than art gallery fans, they’re much, much ruder.

On the plus side, I did get to eat a real Philly Cheesesteak. It was pretty darn yummy.

Ivylass, the last time we tried that with our kids we wound up with hot dog pizza one night and mac and cheese from a box the next. You’re one lucky mom.

I think it helps that they’re 16 and 13, and used to cooking out of a cookbook because Ivylad can’t always do it.

Oh,well, if that’s it. Jacks are wild, penny ante.


**Wintermute ** - have you seen this thread?

only if you use the week to finish it - otherwise next Monday you’ll be wishing for **Froggie’s ** time machine

This really threw me off yesterday. So much that I just wandered away, shaking my head.

Ok, so this is the new MMP!

It was 52 degrees and sunny here on Saturday, so we went up to Saratoga Springs. We went to the park up there, then he had to go to Eddie Bauer to pick up slacks, so I made him bribe me with gelato. Mmm, gelato. I had peanut butter cup flavor. If you guys have never had gelato, try it. It’s like an orgasm in a cup. :wink:

Now it’s rainy but I can deal as it is still warm. And it’s Monday, waa!

There is a GIGANTIC zit on my back, everyone! I’m sure that Anagramless Guy will find it later and pop it. He likes to pop my zits for some reason.

ewww:eek:! I nominate that statement for the TMI of the week.

Freakish weather here lately. There was a 28-car pileup early Saturday morning a bit north of the Golden Gate Bridge when cars came out of a tunnel on a downhill curve and encountered four inches of snow on the road. The report said that a CHP officer had been through that area 15 minutes prior and there was no snow then.

My cohorts in Minneapolis were having trouble getting to work today, and about half either decided to telecommute without even opening the door, or they tried to drive and got halfway to the office and turned back. One guy got all of two miles in an hour, before realizing he was almost out of gas, with what would be a six-hour drive ahead, at that pace. Probably sensible that he went to Plan B and turned back to get home three hours after he left. :eek:

Gelato is awesome. Considering I need to stick to soft foods because of the removal of teeth, maybe I’ll take this opportunity to get ahold of some. :slight_smile:

About half an hour ago I took a percocet, which I’m told is a very strong painkiller, but so far it hasn’t done anything. Meh. The pain is bearable.

Yoiks! It’s not doing anything? That’s what they gave me when they carved me up and stole a kidney, and half the permitted dosage did wonders. Sounds like maybe its effectiveness varies from person to person.

Not even close. When DonkeyBear posts about it’s squirting goodness, then there will one to consider…