Limericks of the Straight Dope

As the editor said to the censor,
"************* amends, sir!
“*********** and denser!”

Oh noes, here we going agains,
My ears hear the miserable strains
Of our new overlords -
The great zombified hordes -
All groaning lugubriously, “BRAINS!”.

I thought I would drop in for knowledge
Whatever I’d missed back in college.
But I saw Great Debates
With its arguesome pates
And I thought it a fine mess of follyege.

Read before you post, Kite.

Look! I’m channeling Brain Glutton.

I love limericks.

I wooed a stewed nude in Bermuda
I thought I was crude but she was cruder
She thought it would be rude
To be persued in the nude
So I persued her, subdued her, and screwed her

And something a little more topical:

Cafe Society is a place with good hooks
To talk about music, movies, food, and books
Cathy is now dead
Should I eat bread?
Wonder Woman’s new costume - like how it looks?

I’m a little rusty on my limerick writing.

Oedipus and Jocasta would pucker
And out of her clothes he would shuck her
'Til he got a surprise
And he gouged out his eyes
The pitiful, sad, Freudian archetype!

From Sydney to Constantinople
The Dope’s user base is near global
The sole places missed
Form the following list:
Antarctica; Lapland; Hi Opal!

There once was a fellow from the sticks
Who loved writing limericks
But he gave up the sport
'Cuz he wrote them too short

In GD, we’re egalitarian,
From socialist to libertarian,
We make fun of your credo,
Like Rush in a Speedo,
But lay off of my church Pastafarian!

In the evening I cruise Cafe Society
In a state of culinary anxiety
A new chicken dish?
Maybe something with fish?
My dinner could use some variety!

gimme a break, there’s only like 5 words that rhyme with society

A Charter Member I’ll never be
And I didn’t join up last century
But in ten years if we’re still around
Y’know In the MMP I’ll be found
Happily bragging about my longevity.

The Dopers, required to scan,
All answered en masse, “Yes we can!”
Some nailed the mark;
Some shot in the dark.
And others just looked and then ran.

This thread it started in May
(Back in 2007, by the way)
It’s back from the dead
And it’s now being read
Go zombie go, hip hooray!


Cadence? Format? Bah. details, details details. Don’t cramp my style!

Tethered Kite’s headpalm smileys begin
Then repeat to the reader’s chagrin
Though they don’t say too much
When they’re used as a crutch
Can inspire the Dopers to grin.

Gang, don’t you give me no flacking
My smilies just may leave you hacking.
But when times are tough
They seem good enough
Sneer again and I’ll give you a whacking.

And now, a bright shiny-new section
On the 2010 midterm election!
It’s almost like GD
But puffs each nominee
Like Greenland in Mercator Projection!

So now it’s of pols that you sing
Like parrots their promises fling.
Vote Left or Right
At the end of the fight
We’re given again the same thing.

A Republican man-about-town
Could make a smile vertical frown
For, at finish, the heel
Always made the girl kneel
And let all the wealth trickle down!