Limericks of the Straight Dope

Libertarians swing and they play
You can use them most any which way
Straight, gay, trans, or bi
Or whatever you’ll try
All while shouting for freedom, hooray!

Socialists like to share their virility
But it brings social costs in fertility,
For, “To each by her need!”
Is their true solemn creed,
But the sharing wears out the ability!

The proud stalwarts of the Tea Party
Have lusts that are hearty but naughty
Such as offering their sack
As a mid-morning snack
To all and to sundry! How haughty!

A lascivious thing is a Green
Every tree, every shrub, every bean
Every beast classed “Endangered”
And life-forms far stranger
Must endure his attentions obscene!

Limericks are overdone.
Sometimes an off-cadence haiku
Restores tranquility.

The haiku’s gnomic pith hath delighted
Generations of esthetes benighted
But the limerick’s shape
Fits the sassy, lewd jape
And it rhymes, which is not to be slighted!

So now you can call me impressed
My vocab is seriously stressed
You sly witty t----s
Left me without words
Your limericks are truly the best!

Haiku: A form that
Is to poetry as tic-
Tac-toe is to games

Evoke an image
Syllable counting’s easy
Wipe it off and zip

Four windows open
Three for Straight Dope, one for porn
Multitasking rules!

In Great Debates
Disagree at length, with cites
No judge, no winner

Digital hive-brain
Flame-war threads will bifurcate
The seizure is grand mal

There’s work to be done
But my PC offers Dope
Damn my addiction!

Hit “Post Reply” and wait
Weary hamsters puff and wheeze
Curse my full bladder!

Nerds in the ether
Learning wows the unseen crowd
Who needs to get laid?

Cafe Society
Klingon proverbs, Simpsons quotes
How bored are you guys?

This limerick, I’m tempted to chuck it
In the round file - I mean the waste bucket
For I’m far, far too tired
To be really inspired
And it’s not going to work; I say “Give up”.

A Democrat is well suited to diddle
In the sense that he’s straight-up-the-middle
But, 'tween left and right hand
He can ne’er make a stand,
At the end, can just sit there and twiddle!

Many Dopers do not look too highly :dubious:
On gratuitous use of a smiley :rolleyes:
I say, they’re full of crap! :mad:
Such an expressive app! :slight_smile:
Use it slyly or dryly – not shyly! :cool:

When diagnosing a festering cyst
There spawns a substantial list
Of impacted pustules
With fetish-like lust you’ll
Ask of what ooze they consist

A poster named Starving Artiste,
Thinks Obama’s the mark of the beast,
Things were more nifty,
In 1950,
And stay off my grass if your please.

It’s plain that a plane never will,
Take off from a moving treadmill,
But as to nine yards,
Even this bard,
Is totally clueless yet still.

A theocon’s holy and pious
But political judgment is biased
By his mind filled with floods
Of the cries of hung studs:
“Come into the closet and try us!”

Knowledge flows here voluminously
Post a question - the answer you’ll see!
But try as we might
No one’s ever got right
14 K of G in FPD

Once a Gladiator Intergalactically
Fought the Black Light Shadow climactically
Shooting the Shadow in the face
And launching him into space
Was the Gladiator’s best option, tactically

We like seeing ignorace fought
But it is taking longer’n we thought
In the 38th year
It’s becoming quite clear
That there’s some Dopes who just can’t be taught!

A Doper named Wheelz saw a thread
That was rescued last week from the dead.
Now he’s posting again,
Though he really should end
'Cause he’s got limericks stuck in his head!

Some Dopers have wisdom, some wit
Some are brilliant, some just full of it
And some odd transcriptors
Defy all descriptors
Like Super Kapowzler, and shit.

So, once was a poster named Nantucket-
, whose posts fit in a wee bucket
Certain language didn’t fit
In what we here call the Pit
So, must have left with a twee “Fuck It!”

I tried to write a good limerick
Turned out to be all too grim a trick
Seeing what others here did
Made me give up my bid
Cause what I had was too slim a schtick

I was searching for someplace to chat
While Blizzard’s installing a patch
The game’s an affliction
Here it’s fact versus fiction
Here I’ve found a new sickness to catch