She was 20 years old in that picture. She was “underage” only in that she was under the legal drinking age but she was a legal adult in every other respect. So she drank in front of her mother when she was 20? Big fucking deal. So did I. She had condoms? Good for her. A skank would let herself get pregnant.

I think she has an obvious chemical addiction problem. I think she’s probably spoiled. I think she’s engaged repeately in irresponsible and dangerous behavior, but being sexually active at 20 (while being responsible enough to use condoms) or hanging out in a hotel room in her underwear (both of which I’m guilty of myself) are not things she deserves to be bashed about. I thought the same thing about Paris Hilton. They deserve all the grief anyone wants to dish out for behavior that harms or endangers other but why do people have to bring their sex lives into it with the “whore” and the “skank” calls? No one ever does that with male celebrities. A male movie star can bone everything in sight and get nothing but praise for it. A female celebrity does more than two guys and she’s a “slut.”

OK, so far we’ve got an underaged drinker who’s comfortable with her body and a parent who encourages her daughter to practice safe sex, and provides her alcohol so that she doesn’t have to get it at illicit underaged parties. The topless pictures and the Jack Daniels picture are AFAICT completely unrelated to the picture of her hanging out with her mom, which itself looks pretty innocuous. They were just put together on the same page to provoke shock and bring more hits, from what I can see. Again, the sleazes in all of this are not in the pictures.

That’s not true at all. People regularly call Colin Farrell out as a total whore, the lead singer of Maroon 5 (Adam Lavine?) is also regularly lampooned on gossip sites for being a skank as well.

It just so happens that these young females are always much more in the spotlight than their male counter parts, and I think a lot of that has to do with them whoring themselves to the paparazzi (it’s widely known that Lindsay, Britney, and Paris all call the Paps and tell them exactly where they will be and when). And a most recent cite.

Yup, because we all know that worked. Lohan was never seen going in and out of clubs shit faced when she was even 17, all because her mom let her drink at home.

By the way, I have to admit the panty shot on that page is pretty hot.

Yes, that I will agree with. Even when she’s messed up, she’s still a beautiful. Maybe that’s what adds an extra kick to the situation being so sad, that she still manages to be beautiful throughout. It’s just one of those, “But she could have been so great” sort of things.

Sometimes it is not an addiction to booze but the action. Everyplace she goes people praising her and telling her how great she is. Owners running over and giving her everything she wants for free. Fun and psyche gratification. It would be hard to stay below .08 if you drank til 5 am. Even 1.2 for a hundred pound girl indicates she is not exactly swilling booze. Eventually she will have to figure out the price is too great for her to continue.

Famous mainstream actresses NEVER end up doing hard core porn.

Lohan will either end up:

  1. Dead,
  2. In prison, to be followed by a career as a C-list celebrity, doing things like “Big Brother” or “Dancing With The Stars,”
  3. In prison, followed by a modestly successful comeback a la Robery Downey Jr., or
  4. Deciding at age 27 or so, “I fucking hate acting. My mother made me do all this shit. I’m moving to Tulsa and becoming a housewife.”

As to whether or not male celebrities get the “skank/slut” treatment, I’ve noticed plenty of them do; Zach Braff is widely criticized for trying to bang every woman he meets. I think females get it far worse, but it does sometimes cut both ways.

When I was trying to think of a male Lohan, he was one of the names I came up with. The difference between him and LL, though, is that although they’ve both got serious problems, he’s willing to accept that he’s got a problem and admits that it’s bigger than he is. Lohan seems to be in denial that she’s got a problem.

By what, DNA samples? I’m sure you went to high school with someone who was “known” to have banged every boy in school, too, but that probably wasn’t true either. And if it was, was it any of your business? Maybe you thought so, and if so I feel sorry for you.

Name three “other” female skanks and four male skanks, all of whom at least as well-known as Lindsay Lohan and comparable in age.

And just how hard would it be for such gossip to get through the usual circles, regardless of who made it up? Furthermore, if Mrs. Beckham sees fit to unleash the horror that was the Spice Girls on the world once more, she’s the real sleazeball. :wink:

Do you judge your friends this way when they have more sex and/or alcohol than you would choose to, or are these pernicious slams reserved for people whose status you’re jealous of?

What do you call him? Does anyone here badmouth Sizemore as much as they do Lohan? Sizemore is actually violent, but this is the first time I’ve seen his name in the Pit. (Granted, I don’t spend a lot of time here.)

I didn’t say it worked. How is that even relevant? Are you saying you’ve never drank with your mom? If you have, are you a skank for doing it?

Also IIRC Robert Downey wasn’t ever caught while driving.

No kidding, that’s a heck of a mug shot on the AP link you provided, even if she does resemble Goldie Hawn in Overboard. I don’t look that good in full makeup. Bah. :mad:

Even better! :smiley:

Actually he was, and in grand style too. He wan’t only loaded, he was naked and he was throwing invisible rats out the window. He seems to have really turned himself around in recent years and is making a sustained and genuine effort to remain sober but his bottom was pretty far down (and it included a couple of vacations at the gray bar hotel).

I don’t know that Downey was really that arrogant or entitled, though. I don’t think he was an asshole, I think his problem was all about addiction.

I’m in the feel-bad-for-her camp. She’s clearly self-destructive and unbalanced.

Re: her sexual activity - if I was single and as gorgeous as she is, and surrounded by pretty people (again, as she is) I would totally sleep with everyone. As long as she’s being safe and isn’t using sex as a means of being emotionally self-destructive, I can’t get behind that part of the rant.

You’re in luck, this is Cafe Society.

I think the difference is that, for the most part, we want Lindsey to turn herself around. Sizemore… I don’t think anyone really cares.

I seem to recall at least one Downey thread a while back.

This reminds me of the the joke:
What is the difference between a slut and a bitch?
A slut sleeps with everybody,
A bitch sleeps with everybody except you.

LL you are a grade #1 bitch! :smiley:

Dana Plato?

Whatchu talkin’ 'bout, Bricker? :wink:

Don’t forget Adam West!

I will remember to the day I die the night I was innocently flipping channels and caught the Playboy channel.

“Hmm, when did dad sign up for this?”

“Hey, that guy’s getting that woman with the large breats to perform a Vital Service for him, right there by the pool”


“Dude. That’s Batman!!!”
