Lines That Don't Play as Well as They Used To

A while back I was forced to watch an episode of 1-Adam-12, and in it there was a crazed sniper shooting at people, so the cops show up and shout at the screaming people running away from the sniper bullets, “Remain calm! This is the police!” It struck me as being hysterical because I can imagine a lot of places today where if the cops were to shout such a thing it would only scare people more!

Any other lines from movies and films that you can think of which just don’t quite cut it these days?

“So, what’s your sign, baby?”

“You must have been vaccinated with a phonograph needle.”

“He’s such a gay blade.”

“Leaps tall buildings with a single bound!”


In these PC, domestic violence conscious days Ralph Kramdem waving his fist and bellowing “To the moon, Alice!” isn’t quite as funny as it used to be, however, Norton’s golf technique as regards “addressing the ball” remains hysterical.

Many movies from the 70’s that I watch again these days make me cringe with all the blatant racism.

One example: Silver Streak. The scene where Gene Wilder puts on shoe polish and acts like Stepin Fetchit is painful.

“Hop in my Model T…we’ll 23-skiddoo out into the country, and I’ll explain to you what a `hummer’ is.”


(From a lot of “serious” westerns, including a couple of John Wayne flicks.)


How about these after 1999:

“A young Jedi named Darth Vader, who was a pupil of mine until he turned to evil, helped the Empire hunt down and destroy the Jedi knights. He betrayed and murdered your father.”


“The Force is what gives a Jedi his power. It’s an energy field created by all living things. It surrounds us and penetrates us. It binds the galaxy together.”

Not sure if I’m following the subject here, but the first thing I thought of was “show me the money”

From the Simpsons episode where they travel to New York: “They put all the jerks in Tower 2.” (In reference to the World Trade Center buildings.)

Tuckerfan writes:

> It struck me as being hysterical because I can imagine a lot of
> places today where if the cops were to shout such a thing it
> would only scare people more!

There have always been a lot of places where the police weren’t trusted. There’s nothing new about that. Incidentally, the program was called Adam 12. The 1 was part of what the dispatcher would say in calling the car, but it wasn’t part of the name of the show.

Geez! Lighten up, dude! Back when the show was made it would have been unthinkable to portray cops on a TV show as the bad guys.

“Frankly, my dear, I don’t give a damn.”

From :

Times sure have changed.

The wrestler Sabu’s tagline–“He is suicidal, homicidal, genocidal”. A shame, because he influenced pro wrestling in terms of in-ring work more than anyone else in the past decade.

I love that stupid joke, and I can’t believe I’m seeing a reference to it somewhere. Wow. :smiley:

Another Simpsons line, from Treehouse of Horror, uh, III?

The Devil (Ned Flanders) summons Richard Nixon to serve in the Jury of the Damned. “But I’m not dead! In fact, I just wrote an article for Redbook.”

Say it again, corpsey.

“I’ll be back”