Lines You Hope Never To Read In a Children's Book

Title of the theme song of MASH. Used in the movie, during the ‘Last Supper’ scene, in which the others try to convince ‘The Painless Pole’ that life’s worth living.

(That description DOES NOT do the scene justice…oh, well…)

And, on a related note:

‘Don’t worry, honey…it happens to all men once in a while…’

Right you are on both accounts! (I’ll not comment on the third, however.) So, how do you want yer points? Over easy or scrambled?

“Be a good boy. Daddy loves you.” Billy said as he handed the baby over to the toddlers’ teacher. Billy looked at his watch, then picked up his pace. If he didn’t hurry, he’d be late for his 8th grade graduation practice.

“What do you want?”
“Information. Information. Information”
“You won’t get it!”

“Uncle Saddam will show you how to build a nuclear device…”