Links you WILL NOT click

First thing is, if you put a URL in here, I ask that you break the link so we preserve the “two click” rule about NSFW sites.

I am inspired by two recent threads, the first is Has Snopes ever been totally wrong on something?. There is a link to a Snopes page that has a pic of a woman’s breast purportedly infested by some kind of larvae. Several folks say they will not look at the pic, which is linked to in the OP.

Another thread has a link to a video showing a bull goring a matador, which I will not look at, as the OP linked story already has a still photo of the bull’s horn coming out of the matador’s mouth. That was bad enough, to watch that in live action is too much for me to contemplate. Link to the video is in Post #5

I looked at the breast pic, and to me it looked so fake that I wasn’t bothered by it, after an intial ewwww.

So what is it that you just can’t bring yourself to look at, or read, or listen to? Please post a description of what you think puts it out of bounds, or what people have told you about it that is just too… too… whatever.

This is gonna be a little strange since you may be posting a link that you’ve never actually opened. So please break the link out of caution, or if you’re lucky like me, find another thread on the boards to link to that has the offending link in it.

And if you follow somebody else’s link and go look, please post a description of your experience and a reccommendation of whether to go or not ot go.

I’ll just get this one out of the way: Ain’t gonna look at goatse, no way, no how. The fake ones (clouds, cartoony line drawings, etc.) are plenty for me.

Ditto 2 girls 1 cup.

Yeah, that’s another that I just don’t need to see. Not that there’s anything wrong with it.

Disgusting isn’t necessarily ‘wrong’, is it?

Specifically, the beheadings. My daughter watched one a few years ago and says she still has nightmares.

I know we all have to die, but it feels dishonorable, inhumane (or something) to purposely watch it happen to someone.

I’d been on the Net an entire decade, then I got goatsed twice in one year!:eek:
The clouds version is awesome, though! So was the Olympics logos proposal!

See “Two Hot Girls in the Shower” on YouTube for a fun & clean take on 2g1c.

I ditto all mentioned so far & I’ll add anything rotten dot com. Decided I never needed to there since someone on another message board was surprised with a baby autopsy photo.

This. As the wife of a soldier, I will not watch them.

I remember my Ouchy the Clown thread. Some people still want me to pay for their therapy over that. Google him if you dare.

NOTHING with animal cruelty. I cannot stand seeing animals get hurt.

While I can view some gross things without flinching (Passion of the Christ barely phased me, for example), if someone tells me something is gross, I’ve lately been trying to avoid it. The risk of seeing something that I won’t be able to get out of my head is small, but significant.

Meh - I just watched it and it’s nothing to fuss over. It happens very fast - I couldn’t even tell what happened until they played the slow motion recap at the end, of which the still shot represents the pinnacle moment. If you looked at that, then you won’t be any more shocked by the video.

Anything with deliberate animal cruelty. I’ve seen enough now to have a very good idea of what goes on, and don’t wish to see anymore.

Same goes for abuses to humans. I’ve seen Faces Of Death, a man’s head being cut off with a knife, and a few other human-inflicted atrocities, but I balked at looking at that video made by those Ukranian maniacs.

That most recent video being passed around of the cows being brutalized in Ohio. That is going to give me nightmares and I couldn’t even get past the first incident. No way will I watch the whole thing.

Normally, I’m up for about anything but that one just really affected me horribly. I used to go to rotten dot com and check gross stuff out but I don’t do it anymore. I’m afraid of what I’ll come across, frankly. I guess I’m getting woosier with age or something. I can still see the still pics on some stuff (the bull goring, for instance, fascinating) but I have no interest in seeing some of the video. Too real.

This is a good question.
Years ago, I stumbled across a website that had nothing but gross photos of dead people, photos of car accidents with the dead victims, police photos of murder scenes, autopsies, etc.
At first, it was oddly fascinating - but I felt guiltier and guiltier every time I would log onto that site.
Finally I broke “the habit” and off the top of my head, can no longer remember what that website is (although I guess if I thought hard enough, I could find it again).

I think I just figured it wasn’t particularly healthy, psychologically speaking, to view it anymore. I can watch a horror/slasher film and laugh (hey, it’s a movie), but when it comes to the “real deal”, well, I am a wimp. I would be the worst doctor/nurse/ambulance driver on earth…I would just freak out seeing that in reality.

I don’t like seeing people,or any living critter for that matter, get hurt, let alone killed. I’m not interested in sex-related links, political or religious extremist links, or people being embarrassed. Just don’t need to see that stuff. Gross does not entertain or enlighten me.

I won’t click a link that just says “Check this out!!” Sometimes I won’t even click the fluffy bunny and kitteh links either.

Of course, I’m an old grouch.


I’ve never clicked on a bestiality link. For some reason, I just drew the line there.

I’m actually quite proud of the fact that despite the huge amount of time I’ve spent on the internet, I’ve never seen goatse, tubgirl, or 2 girls 1 cup.

Okay…I know goatse, but could someone enlighten me on “tubgirl” and “2 girls 1 cup” without me having to actually search for and SEE them?

I would appreciate it!!!

No you wouldn’t.

But I’ll tell you anyway; I’m that kind of guy.

Imagine 2 girls, one empty Starbucks cup, and the gushing effluence from an anus. Then imagine what 2 girls with sick minds might do with said contents.

Wikipedia will tell you what it’s about sans imagery. Other than mental. Shock site - Wikipedia

Two girls one cup
I love the fishes
tub girl
None of the beheadings

Unfortunately, I already saw goatse and the lotus breast, or they’d be on the list.