Lion vs. Kodiak Bear--who wins?

Yeah, that’s right–who wins in this kind of confrontation?
In fact, what is your estimation of kick ass potential from the following lineup?

  1. lion
  2. Kodiak bear/grizzly
  3. African elephant
  4. rhino
  5. hippo
  6. Bengal tiger
  7. Cape buffalo
  8. bull

RULES: No poisonous snakes! All animals are angry and their turf has been invaded. (whatever)

—> Stupid question? Yes. Fun? Absolutely!

Don King.

Focus, boy, focus!

Kodiak vs lion? Kodiak, KO in 2.

Elephant goes undefeated through the predator rounds.
Hippo, ditto.
Rhino, ditto.

Elephant stomps kodiak in three rounds.
Elephant thumps hippo in five rounds.

Rhino takes kodiak out in one hit.

Championship match:
Rhino gores elephant in three rounds.

Rhino wins the tournament.

Consolation rounds:
Cape Buffalo loses to Tiger, lion, probably bear.
Bull loses to tiger, bear, lion, and ultimately MacDonald’s.
Cape buffalo kicks bull’s ass.
Kodiak slaps tiger into next timezone.
Kodiak wins in split decision over Cape buffalo.
Hippo pounds Kodiak.

Final standings:
Gold - Rhino
Silver - Elephant
Bronze - Hippo
CrackerJack badge - Kodiak

Lion vd Kodiak Bear – who wins?


I figure the lion would be really tired after walking through the Kalahari, the Sahara, all the way across Asia, and then swimming across the Pacific to Alaska… so the Kodiak bear would probably beat him.

Okay. The Kodiak is the only one who can stand. So he’s ahead there. Also, outside the Elephant, the heavyweight.
Elephant is definetly the odds on fave, with the bear behind. Rhino would be even with bear, but Elephant? Not. Two tusks beat one small horn. Hippo? Veggie loving peacenik? Don’t make me laugh, end of the line for him.
Tiger/Lion matchup? Best Ratings Grabber here. Even; Lion has edge in strenght, Tiger speed. Good Fight, let’s say if the Tiger doesn’t run, the Lion is the better close in fighter and wins in a heartbreaker. Buffalo vs Bull. Close fight, lotsa anger, power, gore here. Blood bath. I’ll say Bull, depending on species. Buffalo eats the Hippo as a consolation prize.

I’ll say one nice thing about the heavy weight fight, Elephant vs Kodiak. If the Elephant isn’t careful, the Bear has massive amounts of Mobility on the Elephant. Those Claws aren’t forgetable either. Could be bloody, yeah.

Oh… Lion vs Kodiak? Geez… Pick up lion, and bear hug it. Tear the ribcage apart. KO, round 2.

This is a magic arena of death, my droll friend, and all the animals are magically transported there for your bloodthirst amusement and feigned horror. Popcorn goes for $1 bag.

(By the way, I’ve heard that some of these very acts actually transpired in Mexico in the 19th century.)

Remember: a Kodiak bear weighs close to 2,000 pounds compared to a lion’s, what, 450? The bear also has claws probably twice as long. Also, I’ve actually seen film footage of an elephant and a rhino scuffling. Mr. Long Snout ran off after a brief tussle.

A fox would make for a nice boot after geting the shit stomped out of it. But the boot would be cute, so what the hell…

“The hippo is a vegetarian…”

Did you think this mind game would be so easy??? The hippo is the #1 man killer in Africa, among animals, of course. He’s notoriously belligerent and has immensely powerful jaws. Might be interesting to see what a cute, little wolverine would do.

Or Janet Reno…

Aaaaaaah! Nobody mentioned anything about home-field advantage!

All Right, let’s throw in a landfaring Orca…

Anyone who said the bear has a chance against the elephant is nuts. An average elephant weighs several tons. Even a huge bear doesn’t weigh much more than one ton. These aren’t martial artists we’re talking about here-size and strength mean everything. I say the elephant stomps just about every other animal on the list except the rhino. I think the rhino would last a lot longer because it would fight horn-first.

My impression was that Biggirl was referring to FOX the network and the money that would be generated by such a showdown (thus the reason it was in all caps). Nice play on words, there, Biggirl. :slight_smile:

The hippo is also responsible for more deaths in Africa than any other large animal. (maybe combined IIRC)!!

I rode my motorcycle past lions without much thought,but nearly shat myself when I found out there were hippos in the river I was going down.
I’m with OrcaChow except I think the spread for the rhino/elephant is a lot closer than it would seem- them rhinos is fast!

Now if it takes place in a river, its hippo in 2nd place with a possibility of an upset depending on the geography- elephants aren’t too sure footed in the water but then again, hmmmm yeah I suppose 2nd place and a long round that will be decided on points in the water

I actually participated in a Gallup Poll last year in which I was asked “Who do you think would win in a fight, a lion or a grizzly bear?” I think I said grizzly bear, but can’t remember.

I brought this up in a previous thread but never received an adequate answer: What do the Gallup folks want this opinion for? Is there some agency hard at work on the “Grizzly Bear Account” working vigorously on the animal’s PR? Most of the other questions were politically related, so I was caught off guard.

A friend of mine got stumped in the Hot Seat on WWTBAM by a question asking what animal kills the most people in Africa. Yep, it was hippo. Apparently hippos can cut a man in half with their bite. IIRC correctly, wasn’t one of the pharoahs killed by a hippo? (one of the Ramses, I believe)

If, as MikeG suggest, some amount of water is allowed, everything on the list becomes Orca chow. :smiley:

Even Great White sharks are easy Orca chow. (Ever see that video on the news a few years back?)

Neither grizzly bears or lions are in any danger of immediate extinction, we need to just throw a couple in a cage and find out, once and for all, to end this debate!

Man, I hate it when a Ramses breaks just when things are getting exciting!

One of Robert Graves’ “Claudius” books describes a fight in a Roman arena between an elephant and a rhino. Elephant wins. Graves drew heavily on classical sources for these novels, so it may be an account of an actual event. My money, therefore, is on the elephant.