lissener lays his neck on the block. This cannot end well.

I thought it was inspired. Perhaps an instant classic.

Lookee I edit, I edit!!! :smiley:

I read until 23. Anyone beat that? Surely there must be a prize of some sort involved in this…

I glanced at the first sentence, then scrolled down to see how long the OP was, then immediately jumped to the first response. Anyone beat THAT?

This has to be the most embarassingly pathetic OP I’ve ever not read.

Don’t I not know it.

OOh-OOh. New Game. Go to the original thread, jump in with a post, then colme back here ahd refer to your post # and summarize it.

Or not. I choose not. I’m just suggesting it for others as a fun way to, I don’t know - add to the Bizarro-Worldness of the whole thing.

I didn’t even glance. Just posted.

…And when you come back here, don’t preview so it looks like you’rw an idiot.

Like me.

Fuck. Never mind… :wally

You have to give lissener some credit.

He’s right. This will not end well.

How in the world could you possibly consider your breakfast interesting? It’s not. Nobody cares. Now, lissener’s point is simply…

…oh. :smack:

K, thanks every body. Thought so.

Could a passing mod close this on account of pointlessness? Apparently I will never learn.

That OP sports some serious MEGO factor there.* Is there a Cliff Notes version available?

[sub]*MEGO=acronym for “mine eyes glazeth over”[/sub]

Closed at the request of the wise OP.
